Chapter 2

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Hey peeps! Well chapter 2 is about to start! U never see DJ that mad before! Well let's continue. *warning this chapter contains graphic content please don't read if you are sensitive/queasy* *this also contains self-harm do not do it! Call for help if your going through a mental illness!*
2 weeks later
*Stephanie has not left her and Michelle's room and the only time she did was 3 days ago where she collected all the food and drinks and just went inside the room, Michelle had to sleep in the attic with Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky cause Stephanie is hogging up the room they share. D.J. was silent and never spoke a word. All she did was cry and mope about Steve and everything someone mentioned Steph or Steve, she would throw something at that person and growl. Danny has been cleaning more and more often, tried to clean the girls room but it was always locked. Aunt Becky is still working overnight at is addicted to coffee, Jesse is trying to be with the rippers again, Joey and the twins are just doing whatever they got to do.*
*Inside the Kitchen*
Jesse's POV
I am talking to Steve along with Joey figuring out what happened two weeks ago. What I'm hearing is unbelievable.
Me: So you are saying that D.J. got upset cause you kissed Steph?
Steve: Yeah and she wouldn't answer the phone or anything I tried to tell her that I was sorry but she's been ignoring my calls.
Why would he do that? What a idiot.
Joey: Steve you screwed up big time. You cheated.
Steve: I know and I want to show Deej that I still love her but I don't know if she will ever forgive me.
Me: Idiot she won't ever forgive you! That's part of the man in a relationship book. The number 1 rule is to NEVER cheat on your girlfriend. Sorry man you're done.
Steve: yeah but I also love Steph at the same time...
Joey: You could've told Deej that instead of cheating on her.
Steve: I didn't want to break her heart. Now both of them will probably hate me *he puts his head down*
D.J. walks downstairs and have mercy!!! she looks like a wreck! her eyes are really red, her hair looks like it's been at the zoo, her skin is just really pale, her grey outfit is really dirty and has ketchup and tears and dirt all over and she smells like a horse farted on her. I really feel bad for that poor girl.
D.J.: *she looks at Steve* GET OUT!!!!!!
Steve: I was just going to apologiz- holy chow!
D.J. changes at him but Joey and I have to hold her down. This usually happens when she sees Steve.
D.J: LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *she is struggling to break out of our grip*
I see Steve run of the house. He really should do that right now.
*Joey and I finally let go of DJ*
DJ: Why did you let that jerk in?! He betrayed me!!!! *she is crying her eyes out*
Me: We were teaching him a lesson not to cheat on you.
Joey: Yea Deej, it's ok we made sure he won't do it again.
D.J: Well that was his last chance! *she runs upstairs*
Michelle aka my munchkin comes downstairs
Michelle: Uncle Jesse is D.J. going to be ok?
Me: She just needs a little more time why?
Michelle: Cause I hear heavy metal playing again.
Joey: That must be Steph again.
Michelle: Yea I think so I hear her singing I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU! That song is dark!
Me: Oh no munchkin, I think Danny's gonna have to deal with this we tried but we failed.
Comforting Stephanie has been the hardest thing ever.
Joey: Yeah even mr.woodchuck didn't work on her and that says something.
Me: The last time we tried to go into the room she hissed cause she felt our presence.
Michelle: I hope this tension is over, it's giving me a headache. *she grabs a brownie from the fridge and takes a bite* This is good. Hey wasn't there beer here for you uncle Jesse.
Me: Steph must've took it. This is why I hid my beer cause everything you girls are miserable you try to drink it.
Every since this thing happened, I noticed that my beers are missing. Steph has to take them cause a few days ago I saw her with a bunch of them. I tried to stop her but she threw a beer bottle at me. Thank god I dodged it but this is bad. I need to fix this.
Third Person POV
*Meanwhile in Stephanie and Michelle's room*
*There is garbage everywhere, rappers on the floor, drinks spilled on Michelle's bed, cloths on the floor. Stephanie is laying on her rapper filled floor while drinking the beer she sneaked from the fridge. Stephanie's eye are red and puffy, her light pink sweater went from light pink to red so it looks like a red sweater now and her blue sweats look like they're black. She has stains all over her cloths and she smells like the zoo*
Stephanie: Well, that's my 5th beer gone. *throws the bottle at her arm* I deserve this. *Blood is dripping everywhere*
Stephanie: *starts singing* I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!!!! *she throws her beer bottle at the window*
*she hears people walking up the stairs and hides under her covers*
*the door is busted open by the cops and everyone in the household is there and is shocked to see what's in the room*
Danny: Steph, are u there?
Stephanie: *under the covers* Leave me alone *she cringes in pain*
Becky: what's wrong? Steph, let me see you arm. *she goes up to her, pulls up her covers then sleeve and gaps* OMG Stephanie! What did you do to your arm!
D.J: This is all my fault, I was the one who made her do this.
Stephanie: No Deej... it was... *she faints*
Michelle: Omg Steph no!!!
Cop 1: don't worry little girl she will be rushed to the hospital.
Cop 2: We can drive you guys there.
*Everyone nods in agreement and the medical people but Stephanie on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance*
Danny: Alright! Next step is the hospital.
Jesse: let's go!
*Everyone runs to the cop cars*
Woah! That was so intense! Hope Stephanie is feeling better! Chapter 3 is coming up chow

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