Chapter 3

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So last time the tanner sisters (except Michelle) were going bananas and looked a mess and the rest of the family tried to heal them but no avail. Stephanie has been rushed to the hospital cause of her cut. Well now less chat more story time!
Stephanie's POV
I wake up in a white room feeling much pain in my arm. The last thing I remember is fainting at the house. I see a nurse approaching me. I think I know where I am but not really.
Me: Where am I?
Nurse: You're in the hospital. U got this really bad cuts on your left arm so we rushed u here. You arm has been treated but it will take time to heal.
Me: *I try to pull my left arm up but I scream in pain* Shit! *I look at the nurse and she shakes her head at me* oh sorry.
Nurse: No I forgot to tell you, you cannot pick up your arm now but it is in a soft cast. It will take 6 months to heal.
Me: 6 months?!
I pull the sheet with my good arm and see a cast on my left leg. What happened to that leg? I don't remember breaking that one? What is going on?
Me: What happened to my left leg?
The nurse just looks at me and walks away. I start screaming demanding for answers. Why isn't she telling me anything. I want answers NOW. NOW GOT DAMN IT. What's that smell? It's making me very sleeping. Oh no I'm starting to see blackness again. Well it's time for me to sleep once again.
Danny's POV
The family and I are waiting outside of Steph's hospital room. I hear screaming at first and then it dies down a few minutes later. What did they do to my daughter. I see the nurse walkout of the room and rush to where she's suppose to me. Time for me to ask questions.
Me: Why did I just hear screaming from my daughter's room?!
Doctor: Well Danny sometimes Stephanie can go all crazy and violent so once in a while we need to put sleeping gas inside her room but give her these blue tablets *gives Danny 10* she needs to take 2 of them each every 4 hours or else she would get violent and crazy and probably hurt all of you.
Tablets?! Tablets?! I'm not so sure about this. Should I just take it or not? I guess I should it's for the better.
Danny: What happens if she refuses to take it?
Jesse: Don't worry Danny if she refuses then we will sneak it in her food.
Becky: Should she take it before she goes to sleep?
Doc: Yes always she can end up sleep walking in the middle of the night and do horrific things.
Ok now she has to take it regardless. Michelle goes up to me and gives me a hug. I pick her up and she's sitting on my lap.
Michelle: Daddy, is Stephanie going to be ok?
Me: Yes Michelle she just needs more time to heal.
Joey: DJ, you haven't said anything anything since we got here.
Joey is right, DJ has been really quiet lately. She hasn't said a word since we got here. I see DJ look down and shed a tear. Steve really messed things up.
Me: Honey, talk to us what's wrong?
DJ: *sighs* it's my fault Steph is here if I wasn't so harsh at her she would've not done this.
Jesse: Hey don't be so hard for yourself.
Becky: Yeah Deej we feel as much pain as you do right now.
Nurse: You guys can visit Stephanie but she's sleeping right now. Visitors must leave in 5 mintues.
Everyone nods except me. I'm just spacing out comprehending how all of this happened. How? Why? Why would Steve do this? Why would Steph do this to herself? So many questions to answer. I think I spaced out too long cause I feel Michelle tugging my arm.
Michelle: Daddy, we need to visit Steph.
Me: You're right sweetie *I kiss Michelle's forhead* lets go.
Third Person
*The family enters the room seeing Stephanie sleeping peacefully*
Danny: Look how beautiful she is. I can't believe this happened to her.
Jesse: Yeah she is so sweet I remember when she was 6 wanting to play beauty parlor with me.
Joey: yea or me trying to replace mr.bear for her.
DJ: *goes up to Stephanie's bed and squeezes her hand* I'm sorry steph, I should've not gotten mad at you like that I was thinking of breaking up with Steve anyway. If you guys end up together it's ok with me. I love you so much. *she kisses her forhead and walks out of the room*
Michelle: Bye Stephanie see you in the morning *she gives her a hug*
Joey: guys it's time to go bye steph. *he walks away sadly*
Becky: boys say bye to your cousin.
Alex and Nicky: Bye Bye Stephie.
Jesse: *picks up the boys* let's go guys.
Danny: bye sweetie I love you *he kiss her cheek* *danny turns around and he hears I love you too daddy and he smiles*
Steve's POV
I rush to the hospital and I see the tanner family just leaving. Deej sees me and approaches me with a sorry look on her face.
DJ: Steve, I'm sorry for yelling at you.
Me: No Deej it's my fault for kissing your sister.
DJ: Steve I think we should break up and remain friends, not just because of the incident, cause our spark is dying.
Me: I understand. We can still be friends right?
DJ: of course.
DJ hugs me and gives me one last kiss. After ten seconds, we break the kiss. I see Michelle smiling.
Michelle: Awwwwww problem is solved.
Me: Well I gotta go I wanna visit Steph before visiting hours are over. I will always love you as a best friend Deej.
DJ: *tearing up* and I will always love you too.
I say bye to the family and find Stephanie crawling to the water fountain but she fails.
Me: Steph, what are you doing?
Stephanie: *jumps a little* oh Steve I was just getting water.
Me: You can't do that in the conduction you're in here.
Before she can say anything, I pick her up and carry her bridal style back to her room. I place her down gently and kiss her on the forehead.
Stephanie: Steve I know this is hard for you to hear but I love you.
Me: I love you too but Deej and I just broke up, I can't do this right now.
Stephanie: I understand.
Me: Well I gotta go, I'll see you in the morning goodnight *I go up to her and give her a peck on the lips*
Stephanie: Goodnight *she leans in and kisses me for 5 seconds then I break the kiss then we give each other another peck on the lips*
Me: *kisses her on the forehead* night.
As I'm about to walk out of the door Steph calls for me.
Stephanie: Steve wait.
Me: yea?
Stephanie: come closer I want to tell you something.
Me: um ok *I go closer to her but she just kisses me again but I break the kiss* look we can do this later steph I really have to leave.
Stephanie: Ok I understand.
Me: You said that before silly.
The doctor walks in with a clipboard with a angry face.
Doctor: Visiting hours were over 2 hours ago. Please leave.
Me: I'm sorry I'll leave right now. Bye steph.
Stephanie: bye.
Stephanie's POV
I'm so in love with this boy now I know why Deej liked him so much. I know it sounds wrong to steal your sister's ex boyfriend but I just get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. I drift off the sleep thinking about Steve.
Well chapter 3 was kinda nice DJ is healing slowly from the incident Well chow

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