Chapter 7

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Hey guys I'm back!!! Sorry I've been busy with finishing high school and working! I want to thank all of you guys for reading my story it just hit 2k!!!! Anyway, lets not waste time, chapter 7 here were come!
*Inside the Van*
DJ (still drunk btw): *screams* Weeeeeeeeee we're on a roller coaster!! *looks at kimmy and burps in her face*
Kimmy: *has a disgusted expression on her face and wipes the burp away* Ew that's so gross Deej.
Joey: Are we catching up to Steve yet?
Jesse: I'm trying to go as fast as I can but there's too many cars between Steve's car and our car.
Michelle: Then take a shortcut we have to catch him!
Nelson: *hesitate* I don't think that's a good idea...
Danny: Yea safely is always important no matter how dangerous the situation is.
Becky: Look, this guy almost killed our family we have be risky.
Stephanie: She's right, let's go and take the shortcut Jesse!
Jesse: Alright guys hold on tight, this is going to be one bumpy ride.
*Jesse drives the car off the road, barley dodging any trees, turns around and heads for the road but before he could turn, steve's car crashes into them*
Tanner/Kastapolis Family: *screaming*
*Steve jumps out of the car, lands on a tree, and looks at the two cars tumbling down the nearby lake*
Steve: *takes out a cigar and smokes a puff (don't smoke people it's terrible it's just a story)* Goodbye Tanner/Kasapolis Family, see you in hell *takes another puff and laughs*
*The Family car tumbles with steve's car and it crashes into a tree that's by a lake*
Jesse: *opens eyes and it's in terrible pain, he feels his forehead and it's bleeding* aw crap, how did I survive, *tries to get out of car* damn it I'm stuck *pushes car but it won't budge*
Jesse: *screams* Help!!!!!!! Anyone!!! Becky, Nicky, Alex, Kimmy, Danny!!! Michelle?!!! Stephanie!!! DJ!!!!! Hello?! Anyone?!
*Jesse lays on the ground still stuck in the car, the car starts to move away from him*
Jesse: Is it just me or the car is getting farther and farther? Oh wait yes! Someone is helping me!!
*The car gets tossed to the lake*
Jesse: *looks to see it was Danny* Danny, thanks for saving me.
Danny: No pro- *falls on knees grabbing arm and groans in pain*
Jesse: Do you know where the others are?
Danny: *still holds arm* I have no idea when the car crash happened we must've all gotten separated, come on let's look for the others.
DJ: *wakes up* ughhh I have a terrible headache. Why am I at the forest? *tries to get up then she feels a sharp pain on her side* Ow. *looks to see glass sticking out on left rib* Crap, where is everyone? *hears crying* where is that coming from?
*DJ struggles with getting up and walks slowly to find Nicky crying from the cut on his knee, face, and chest*
DJ: Nicky! *limps over to him, slowly picks him up and hugs him gently*
DJ: shhhhhh, Nicky its going to be ok I'm here.... do you know where the others are?
Nicky: I don't see Daddy and Mommy!!! *cries again*
DJ: shhhhhhhhh *sings twinkle twinkle little star and it calms him down* Come on, let's look for the rest of the family members *she puts Nicky on her back and starts to search*
*DJ is carrying Nicky, steps on something and it makes a noise*
DJ: *hesitantly* Um.... Hello? Ok no response I must be hearing things.
*DJ keeps on walking and it makes a noise once again*
DJ: Whoever you are, this is not funny, please come out. And no response again.
*The noise comes back DJ rolls her eyes, and steps on the mysterious thing*
DJ: I know your underground now come out *tries to pick it up* Geez, this thing is really heavy
Nicky: *notices dirty blonde hair* Look, it's Joey!
DJ: Nicky, I think you just tired, *steps on him again and he screams*
Joey: *muffling* Ow! DJ!
DJ: It just called me DJ! JOEY!!! Don't worry buddy I'll help ya out of there *she grabs Nicky and puts him down* Nicky stay put, I'm going to get  Joey out *groans in pain* crap my cut.
*DJ tries to pull him out but she flinches every 30 seconds because of her wound, after what it seems like forever, she finally gets him out, and falls to the ground*
Joey: Thanks for getting me out Deej, have you seen the others?
DJ: no, that's why we're here? *examines his body* doesn't seem like u have any injuries.
Joey: no my knee, you just can't see it now and the pain comes and goes, *looks at dj's rib* Oh my god! DJ, you need to get that cleaned up *notices Nicky* hey Nicky! *gives him a hug* How are you? *examines him as well* you also have a few cuts.
Nicky: I miss mommy, daddy, Michelle, Stephanie, Uncle Danny, Nelson, and my brother!!
Joey: *laughs to himself* he doesn't miss Kimmy, *snaps back to reality and comforts Nicky* Don't worry, we'll find them but first let me treat your wounds but we have to find a body of water in order for me to clean them, after that, it should lead us to the nearest town where we could find our family in the process. *picks up nicky*  Let's go.
*Back to Jesse and Danny*
*Its almost Sunset and Jesse and Danny have been looking for hours while Danny keeps on complaining*
Danny: Jesse, can we take a break? We've been searching for hours!!
Jesse: *rolls his eyes* Danny, our family's lives are on thin ice there's no time for "breaks". Now come on, we still have to keep on searching.
Danny: But it's getting dark, I'm in pain, and my cloths are dirty.
Jesse: *mocks him* oh no, my cloths are really dirty! I'm just going to clean them up first before *yells* WORRYING ABOUT MY FAMILY MEMBERS!
Danny: *startled*  your right, I should be worried about my family more than my dirty cloths but still, I feel gross.
Jesse: You wanna feel clean? *grabs dirt and throws it at him* there now you're nice and clean!
Danny: Jesse! What was that for!
Jesse: Cause all you've been doing is complaining!
Danny: At least I want a break! You know what? I don't need you with me! I look for the family myself!
Jesse: Fine by me!
*They both split*
Jesse: *mumbles to himself* Stupid Danny, he should be worried about his family members not some stupid dirt, *hears screaming* what was that? *hears it again* That sounds familiar!
*Jesse runs to the screaming and finds Stephanie on the floor with a shard of glass on her injured leg*!
Stephanie: *winces in pain* Uncle Jesse, please help me
Jesse: I got you steph, don't worry.
*Jesse carries her, and places her down the ground*
Jesse: Hey sweetheart, I missed you *he hugs her and kisses her forehead*
Stephanie: *hugs back* I miss you too, but my injured leg really hurts
Jesse: Oh no, don't worry Steph, I can fix you right up.
Stephanie: Uncle Jesse, Its too painful *she starts to tear up*
Jesse: *wiping the tear away with his thumb and whispers* don't cry sweetheart, now have you seen the others?
Stephanie: Yes, I was with Aunt Becky.
Stephanie: *wakes up, groans in pain, and gets up* Hello? Anyone here? Dad, Uncle Jesse, Joey, Aunt Becky, Michelle, DJ, Nelson, Nicky? No?
Stephanie: *looks at her leg and notices a shard in her leg* How the hell did that happen? *groans in pain* Someone! Anyone?! Help!!!
Aunt Becky: Hey Steph! Over here!
Stephanie: Coming *tries to get up but falls back down* I gotta try again, *tries again but falls back down* what's wrong with me? *looks at her injuries* oh yea
*Aunt Becky goes up to her and picks her up from the ground and tries to carry
Aunt Becky: There we go steph, any new injures?
Stephanie: *lies* No thank goodness, have you seen the others?
Aunt Becky: No, let's- wait a second, *looks at her leg and gasps* Stephanie, your leg!
Stephanie: I'll be fine! *tries to get up and falls down* come on, I've faced worse.
Aunt Becky: Sweetie, you just recovered months ago and now your injured again? That's it I'm picking you up.
Stephanie: Aunt Becky that's not real-
Aunt Becky: *picks her up* Let's go find the others.
*Becky starts walking to search for the others while carrying Stephanie*
*Flashback ended*
Stephanie: I ended up seeing a cabin on the way here, let's stay there for the night and look for the others tomorrow.
Jesse:  Alright, show me the way.
*30 minutes later*
Stephanie: There it is!
*A small decent cabin is shown, completely made out of wood*
*Inside the Cabin*
Jesse: Hello? Anyone here?
Becky: Honey, is that you?
Jesse: Babe! *he runs over to her and kisses her deeply*
Becky: *breaks the kiss* I've missed you so much!
Jesse: Me too babe, where's the others?
Becky: Well, Kimmy ended up with Michelle and Alex, I think they're in that room over there?
Michelle: Is that Uncle Jesse?!
Alex: Daddy? Is that you?
Jesse: Alex! Michelle! *he runs over to them and gives them a hug and kisses on their cheeks* I've missed you both so much! How did you guys find you way here?
Michelle: Well, it all started w-
Stephanie: Excuse me for not caring about your story, but can someone help me out with my wound!
Michelle: Steph! You're here too! and btw *rolls eyes* my story is pretty important too.
Becky: *picks up Stephanie and brings her to the living room and gets her first aid kit*
Stephanie: How did you find a first aid kit?
Becky: Turns out there were many of them in this cabinet. *turns to michelle* While I heal your sister, tell us your crazy story of your Michelle.
Michelle: Well it was after I woke up in the middle of the woods.....
Michelle: *wakes up and groans* Ugh where am I? Hello? Dad? Uncle Jesse? Joey? Aunt Becky? Stephanie? DJ? Alex? Nicky? Nelson? Kimmy? *thinks* why am I looking for Kimmy? *hears crying*
Michelle: Who is that? *gets up and follows the noise, crying gets louder*
Michelle: *finds Alex crying with a slash on his arm* Oh no Alex!
Alex: Michelle? You found me *he hugs her and she hugs back*
Michelle: Have you seen the others?
Alex: *sniffles* you're the only one I've seen so far. I want Mommy and Daddy!! *he cries*
Michelle: shhhhhh *she comforts him* I promise we will find them. Let's start walking.
*Michelle and Alex walk and Alex falls down*
Michelle: Oh my god! Alex! What's wrong!
*Alex doesn't say anything and Michelle looks at the deep cut on his arm*
Michelle: Oh yea, don't worry, *bring out her pockets and realizes her mini first aid kit is missing* No! I left my first aid things at home! I'm sorry Alex, I would give you my sweater, but it's really cold outside. It's getting dark anyway, let's find a cave to stay in and search in the morning.
*Alex nods and keeps on walking with her despite the pain in his arm*
Alex: *eyes brighten up* Uncle Danny! Uncle Danny!
Michelle: Alex, you're seeing things, Dad is no- *sees Danny walking by himself upset* Daddy!
Danny: *smiles* Michelle! Alex! *he runs over to them and gives them a hug and kisses on both cheeks* I've missed you guys so much!
Michelle: Have you seen the others?
Danny: I saw your uncle Jesse *looks at Alex* and your dad not too long ago, but *he looks down* we got into a fight and decided to split.
Michelle: *slaps him* are you crazy?!
Danny: *rubs his cheek* Michelle, that's the only time you're ever allowed to slap me like that! You're still grounded when we get home and recover from this mess.
Michelle: Daddy, that's so unfair!
Alex: Yea, Michelle was making sure you were okay.
Danny: Come on guys, let's look for the other- *hears rustling* shhhhh hid in the bushes.
*All three of them hid in the bushes and see Steve*
Steve: Where the hell are the Tanners and Kastapolis! Once I find them, I'm going to kill all of them except DJ and Stephanie! Two girls are better than one! *hears rustling in the bushes and sees Danny, Michelle, and Alex*
Steve: *smirks* well, well, well if it isn't Michelle, Danny, and Alex. I thought you guys would've been dead at the car crash, I guess I was wrong!
Alex: Kill us already!
Michelle: Yea if you wanna do it so badly then go for it!
Steve: *laughs evilly* I'm not going to kill you anyone, that's a short death, I'm going to make you die painfully and slowly.
Danny: I can't believe I thought you were good for my daughter! You're a monster!
Steve: You know, I really did love them both, but now I realized that they're better off without any of you trolls! *he picks up Danny and throws him on the ground*
Danny: *gets up and coughs blood* Well guess what Steve! DJ will always love her family no matter what? Even you cheated on her with Stephanie, both of them don't deserve you! You're a file piece of excuse my language kids, but your a piece of shit Steve. I hope you rot in hell.
Steve: *gets really angry and starts to run after them*
Danny: *pick up Alex* Run Michelle!
*They both run away*
Steve: *screams* I WILL GET YOU!!!
*After 30 min of running*
Michelle: Look, there's a cabinet!
Danny: Let's stay there!
*They run to the cabin and Danny puts Alex down*
Michelle: *out of breath* Dad, where are you going?
Danny: I'm going to keep on searching for the others and lead them to this cabin.
Alex: Uncle Danny no! What if we lose you!
Danny: Don't worry buddy, I'll be back and if I'm not, I love you guys so much.
Michelle: *starts tearing up* Daddy! Nooo don't go!
Danny: *gives Alex and Michelle one last hug and screams while he's leaving*  I'll always love you guys!
Michelle and Alex: *starts crying* We love you too!
*Flashback Ended*
*Everyone is silent and is looking down*
Jesse: To think that I was such a jerk to him, I'm such an idiot! We should've never split up! *he slams his fist on the table*
Alex: Daddy don't blame yourself *he gives Jesse a hug*
Jesse: you're right, I shouldn't at least half of the family is here together.
Stephanie: How are we gonna find the others now? We don't even know where Dad, *scoffs* Kimmy, Deej, Nicky, Nelson, and Joey are.
Michelle: Don't worry Steph, I'm pretty sure most of them are in safe hands right now.
DJ: *wakes up and realizes that she's chained up* What the hell? *tries to get out* I'm stuck!
Joey: Same here.
Kimmy: I've been here for a while, after I woke up, I went to search for you guys, next thing I remember is waking up here.
Nelson: I was also with her...
Kimmy: Oh yea! I forgot I found rich boy in the process!
Nelson: Does anyone know where we are?
Nicky: Yea, where are we Joey?
Joey: I wish I knew, we need to get out of here, I have a feeling I know who's behind this. It's Steve.
Steve: *appears* Congratulations Joey Gladstone, you figured out the correct answer.

Boom! Yes I left on a cliffhanger again, lol. Again I am so sorry for taking so long! I was busy with track, finishing high school, prom, and graduation! Now I have a summer job! I don't wanna hear any complains about when I'm going to update. I'm a really busy girl and I'm going to start college in august so I have no idea when this story's going to be finished. I really wanna thank everyone thou who's been  supportive and adding this story to their reading list ^•^. I'll try to squeeze in the next chapter as soon as I'm free! Chow!
- Summer ^•^

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