Chapter 5

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Me: Hey guys! So I know last time it ended up in a cliffhanger!
Michelle: What is wrong with you? I wanted to know what was going on?!
Me: You will find out soon. Now shut up.
Michelle: You shut up.
*Michelle slaps me and we start to fist fight*
Becky: Always a fuss between the two of them.
Nicky: Story
Alex: Time!
Steve wants to talk? Why? I actually kinda don't want to see him right now.
Me: Steve what is it?
Steve: Look Deej, I'm really sorry about everything that happened and Steph I'm sorry about kissing you behind your sister's back. Which is why I can't be with neither of you.
Stephanie and I: What?!
Steve: Look if I dated Steph then Deej will be hurt but if I got back together with Deej then Steph will be hurt and it will cause you two a rivalry to see who can get me which is why I can't date both of you.
Stephanie: *tearing up* so all of what you said about loving me so much was a lie?
Stephanie looked so hurt. Now she knows how I felt when I got my heart broken by that jerk. I was gonna make my move on him actually but he doesn't want to be with me.
Steve: Well not exactly I still love the both of you its just that I can't date you both so go out and find another man.
He tries to walk away, but I grab his arm. Steve pushes me out of the way but I grab his arm again.
Steve: Let go of my arm!
Stephanie: No DJ will not cause she has some unfinished business to take care off.
Unfinished business? What does she mean by that? Oh wait never-mind I got what she's saying. I go over and lock the door so nobody will interrupt. I grab my bat from my closet and hit Steve in the stomach with it. He screams in pain. Good he better feel the pain.
Steve: *on the floor holding on to his stomach* what is wrong with you?
Me: Now you feel the pain that I felt when you cheated on me. How
I keep on hitting Steve with the bat. This feels good. I've been waiting so long to hit Steve and now it's my chance.
Me: *while hitting steve* Steph, help me out here.
Stephanie just stay on her bed paralyzed in fear. Why can't she help out her sister for once wait nevermind she can't right now. She throws the lamp with her good arm and it hits him in the head with hit knocking him out.
Me: I said hurt him not knock him out!
Stephanie: You said to hurt him so I did.
Me: I mean when he's conscious stupid. How are we suppose to hid this?!
Stephanie: Um I don't know put him in a bag?
Me: That will look like we have killed him. I hope he's ok now.
Why did I decided to go with this? I should've understood when Steve didn't want to be with neither with us. We broken up for good thou and I stupidly thought he went back to my room to get back together. All I need to figure out to do now I hid this.
Jesse's POV
I finally finished working on my piece of music for Jesse and the rippers. We are hitting it off so well ever since we started. Danny and my beautiful wife Becky come to the front door.
Becky: Hey honey *we both give each other a peck on the lips* How's your song going?
Jesse: I just finished it. The rippers are going to love this.
Danny: I'm so proud of you Jess. Your band has come a long way.
I see Nicky and Alex come downstairs. I love my boys.
Nicky and Alex: Daddy!
Me: My boys! *I give them a hug* Did you miss me?
Alex: I missed you daddy.
Me: I missed you too. So how was 1st grade?
Nicky: It was great, I meet a new friend her name is Zoey. But that was a month ago.
Me: My boy is already hitting it off. So how is it for you Alex.
Alex: It's ok I have friends too not as much as Nicky and dad it ended a month ago
Me: I knew that. So Danny, where are the girls?
Danny: Michelle is at Denise's and Stephanie and DJ are upstairs. I'll call them. Girls! Come down!
I see DJ carrying Stephanie downstairs and she shaking for some reason. I don't know why but I have this feeling that there is something going on.
DJ: Hi Hi Hi! What's up? Hahahaha funny joke.
Everyone gives each other confused looks. They're hiding something but I just can't point it out.
Danny: Is there anything you need to tell us?
Steph: No, not at all paps, Danny, Dad, Hahhaha *coughs* funny joke. So... I have to be carried back upstairs and work on a project for school.
Me: School ended a month ago.
DJ: It's a summer assignment hahahaha!
DJ carries Steph right back upstairs. I think I'm going to follow them to see what's really going on.
Stephanie's POV
That was really close. Deej and I almost got caught. After Deej puts me down gently on the bed, we talk about what to do with Steve.
DJ: How are we suppose to hid this away from dad?
Me: Maybe since I'm a cripple for now, you can pretend to get things from downstairs that can protect Steve and say it's for collage while I crawl into the hallway and distract them while u throw Steve out the window.
DJ: This is a terrible idea but let's do it. The only problem is that we need Kimmy.
Really? Gibbler? Out of all the people it just had to be Gibbler. Fine.
Me: Fine. Let's call her.
DJ grabs the phone and dials Kimmy's number.
Kimmy: Hello? Hey DJ what's up.
DJ: Kimmy, you have to come over right now. It's urgent and you can't tell anyone else about this especially dad.
Kimmy: Ohhhhh sneaky. I like it. I'll be there.
After Kimmy arrives upstairs, we explain eveything that has happened. She makes so many insults about me being a cripple. How rude! We explain the plan to her and she agrees. The stupid idiot like her jumps out of the window but she actually luckily lands on the bush.
Good the plan is set! DJ already got the supplies for Steve and now it's my turn to do the part of the plan. This is pure genius.
Joey's POV
I'm walking upstairs talking with Michelle about the new Bugs Bunny cartoon. I just picked her up from Denise's house 20 minutes ago and she told me that they both watched the new bugs bunny cartoon. I watched it before. It's alright.
Michelle: So what do you think of it?
Me: Well it's not the classics but it could do better.
Michelle: Do your bugs bunny impression.
Me: *in a bug's bunny voice* What's up dock! I need my carrots! Michelle where are my carrots!
Michelle: I have one in my pocket.
Michelle takes out the carrot that was in her pocket and hands it to me. Wait. How did that get in there?
Me: *in a bug's bunny voice* Thanks doc!
I look and see Stephanie on the hallway floor struggling.
Me: *back to my normal voice* Stephanie, what are you doing on the floor, with NO ONE helping you.
Stephanie: I... ummmm..... Feel on the floor.
She's acting really weird lately. I'm gonna find out what's going on.
Me: Where's DJ?
Stephanie: DJ? Ohhhhh DJ! She's ummmmm in my room cleaning it hahahaha! And she.....
Ok now I know she's lying to me. I'm pretty sure whatever they did wrong isn't that bad.
Michelle: Ur lying Steph, tell us the truth.
Stephanie: Okay fine. Well you see....
DJ: I accidently pushed Stephanie out of her wheelchair and that's why she is on the floor cause I had to finish cleaning her room.
Me: Oh okay it seems like you guys did something worse than that. Did you apologize.
Stephanie: Yes she did and I accept it cause she's my big sister and I love her very much.
Michelle: Liar that's not the truth! I know exactly what's going on!
We all see Kimmy running upstairs anxious and I really don't know why.
Kimmy: The Steve is all clear.
DJ: Kimmy shut up.
Me: Spill it or else Danny is going to find out.
DJ explains the whole entire thing and what happened to Steve and I'm just shocked. They throw him out the window! Those two can get charged.
Me: I'm telling you dad about this.
Stephanie: Please Joey you can't. He finds out then we are grounded for life. Please don't tell dad.
DJ: Please?
Deej and Steph give me their puppy eyes. Come on this is so... not.. going to. Ugh! Fine! They got me!
Me: Fine we don't tell your dad
Michelle: So where's Steve now?
Kimmy: In my house. He is sound asleep and in case he woke up I tied him up.
What is wrong with that girl? Oh well but it's kinda still our problem.
Michelle: Okay I got a plan hear me out. We go to Kimmy's house, place Steve in Joey's car and drive to his house and place him there. If the other asks where we are going then we say...
DJ: Going to a concert.
Me: No Danny is gonna say *imitating his voice* Michelle is too young for that.
Michelle: The zoo.
DJ: *imitating Danny* DJ is a grown women now, she doesn't want to see that.
Kimmy: Unless you say it's for grad school
Stephanie: Wow Kimmy, I'm impressed. That's the first smart thing you've ever said.
Kimmy: It does feel good to be smart.
Michelle: Don't push it.
Me: Alright plan A or B for some of you starts now!
Hey guys! Hope you liked chapter 5! 6 is coming soon! Chow!

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