Chapter 4

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Hey guys chapter 4 is coming right now!
Michelle's POV
I woke up in the bed next to uncle Jesse cause Steph and i's room is still being cleaned by dad.
Me: Good morning uncle Jesse.
Uncle Jesse: Good morning munchkin *he kisses me on the cheek* how are you feeling.
Me: I miss Steph, it's so fun to bug her but it just isn't the same.
Uncle Jesse laughs and picks me up.
Uncle Jesse: Let's go get breakfast and I promise you we will see Steph today, she coming home.
Me: Alright I'm so excited but let's eat I'm hungry. I can get there faster than you!
Uncle Jesse: no you can't.
Uncle Jesse and I start running downstairs racing to the kitchen.
Joey's POV
I'm downstairs reading the newspaper waiting for breakfast to arrive and I see Deej come downstairs.
Deej: Hey Joey... *she sits on the table and puts her head down*
Me: What's wrong Deej, are you okay?
Deej: To be honest not really. Ever since Steve and I broke up I've been feeling miserable. I really don't want him to be with Steph. I'll see him here everyday again but not for me this time....
I really feel bad for Deej. Even since she finished collage, she's been going through all of these struggles and most of them had to do with Steve.
Me: Nobody excepts you to bounce back right away.
Danny: Yea Deej when Vicky and I broke up I felt the same way you did.
Deej: At least I won't be moving around things 24/7 like you did dad.
Danny: Okay that was a rough time for me.
Me: All that matters now is that Deej you just have to distract yourself from thinking about Steve.
Deej: It's not as easy as it sounds *she grabs an apple and heads upstairs*
Jesse's POV
Well today Stephanie is coming home from the hospital but how? Well I'm picking her up. Danny is her father why can't he? What am I saying? I'm basically yelling and asking myself "why are you doing this?" I should be happy that Steph is coming home the family missed her and so did I. I arrived at the hospital already. Wow I must've did a lot of thinking. I hope my hair can deal with it. Well I should really go to the check to pick up Steph instead of starting off into space when I just parked the car.
At the hospital
Me: Hey I'm here to pick up Stephanie Tanner.
Nurse: Yes you must be Danny Tanner.
Me: um no I'm her uncle, Jesse.
Nurse: That's even better, you go straight turn right and then make a left and that's where her room is.
Me: Thank you.
Nurse: But before you leave, those directions are on the 5th floor.
Me: *rolls my eyes* now you tell me.
I really don't have a good sense of direction cause I'm in the 5th floor now but I do not see Steph. Did that lady lie to me.. oh wait she wasn't never mind. It took me quicker this time last time when I had to pick up Michelle cause of the horse incident, it took me an hour and a half to find her. This time it only took 40 minutes. New world record! I see Steph sleeping in her bed and I go up to her and kiss her on the forehead.
Me: Wake up Steph, it's your uncle J.
Steph: *open her eyes* Uncle Jesse, what are you doing here?
Me: I'm here to pick you up silly.
Steph: Oh yea today is the day that you pick me up.
Me: Where's ur crunches?
Steph: Uncle Jesse, I can't have crunches.
Me: *puzzled look on my face* why not?
Steph: My leg is broken too. The nurse said that a cabinet crashed on my legs but I didn't feel the pain.
Me: So *I pause* you need a wheelchair.
Steph: *sighs* yea I do.
I was kinda upset. My own niece is going to be a cripple. It kinda bothered me thou. I was furious angry, mad. It was time for me to take her home anyway. The doctor came in, explained junk like she needs to take a pill after every meal she eats and that type of crap. We went outside the hospital and she asked me this question that got me thinking.
Steph: Uncle Jesse, how does it feel to be on a wheelchair for six months.
Me: Well... I... ummm... I-it feels horrible. To tell you the truth Steph, I was in a wheel chair myself.
Steph: Really?! What happened?
Me: I was in high school and I thought I could play baseball but during practice we went into a batting cage and it was one of those balls that were... um like in those machines and they flew and you and you had to hit it. Yea well I failed at that and those balls damaged my legs for a pretty long time.
Steph: Is that why sometimes you limp when you walk?
Me: Exactly
Stephanie's POV
Uncle Jesse helped me get inside the car. You know I'm actually glad that uncle Jesse picked me up instead of dad. Dad would ask me all of these questions and I'll just be annoyed. Besides, Uncle Jesse and I don't spend time with each other one on one anymore like we used to. I kinda miss this. Okay fine I miss quality time like this a lot but should I tell him? I'm a bit scared too.
Me: Uncle Jesse?
Jesse: What's up Steph?
Me: How come we don't spend time with each other?
Jesse: Of course we do I see you everyday.
Me: No I mean one on one. Just you and me
I see him pause for a couple of seconds. I knew asking this was a terrible idea.
Jesse: oh my god Steph you are right, I've been so busy with Michelle, the radio, the band, and the boys that we never spend quality time together. I'm so sorry. How about this. Next weekend it's just going to be me and you time whatever you want.
Me: Thanks uncle Jesse.
We started chatting and talking about what the family did recently like Michelle's volcano for the science fair getting all over dad's shirt, Joey getting stuck to a chair cause the boys glued his seat. Aunt Becky on her coffee again and thinking she's in a circus.
Once we got home the family threw me a welcome home party. I was so happy. Dad gives me a hug that squeezes me to death, aunt Becky gives me my first purse. The pink one with the black poka dots from coach, the one I always wanted, Joey gives me s gift card to bath and body works, Michelle and the twins split their money to give me a beautiful necklace that says Stephanie on it.
Me: Where's Deej?
DJ: *walking to the living room* I'm right here.
Me: Deej, I missed you! I would give you a hug but like I-
DJ gives me a huge hug. I missed her so much. At least she did good in her last year of collage. I'm so happy to see everyone again. Dad has my favorite dinner, pizza! Uncle Jesse pushes my wheelchair and I start digging in with my good arm. Michelle was talking about how her and teddy kissed for the first time on Friday. Dad was furious and shocked but I was so happy. My little sister is growing up. After dinner is finished, Joey helped me upstairs to Michelle and i's room.
Me: Thanks for helping me out Joey, I appreciate it.
Joey: No problem, if you need anything then just get *does a Popeye impression* Captain Joey!
Joey gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room. I start to think about how I ended up in this cast anyways. Oh yea. I hurt DJ's feelings a lot. Why did I ever agree to kiss Steve like that. I should've stopped myself. I wish I can go back in time to fix everything. The truth is I want to stop loving Steve that way but I can't. Why do I feel this way about him? All he does is eat and besides, it's wrong to date your sister's ex boyfriend.
I walk upstairs and think about what has happened. It's all my fault that Steph had to go to the hospital. It's my own fault for screaming at her and making her feel guilty. I should go to Steph and talk to her not just about this situation but about Steve. I don't know why but I feel so jealous when I see Steph and Steve together. I didn't tell anyone this but I sneaked into the hospital in the middle of the night to see what Steve was doing there and I saw them kissing again. It really hurt my feelings but she doesn't need to know that. Should I be happy that my little sister wants to date my ex boyfriend or be jealous and angry cause she stole my man. I enter Steph and Michelle's room.
Steph: hi Deej, come in.
Me: Where's Michelle?
Steph: She wanted to give me time alone to recover so she's sleeping in the attic again.
Me: Stephanie can we talk?
Steph: Sure Deej what's up?
Me: Look I'm sorry about everything. I was the one who put you in the hospital. I was the one that hur-
Steph cuts me off and says something that touched me deeply.
Steph: Look DJ, this isn't your fault it's mine. I was being a selfish jerk to you by kissing Steve. I broke your trust between you and me. I should've never went into your private life and decide to just crush it. If you don't want me to date Steve then that's fine you can get back together with him.
I was shocked to see what Stephanie was saying. She never admits that she was the one who cause all the trouble and she ever wants Steve and I to get back together.
Me: Look as much as I get jealous seeing you and Steve together, I just can't be with him even if the accident happened or not. We were losing our spark but I see a new spark between you and Steve. You guys are meant for each other.
Steph: *her eyes widen* even more than you and Steve?
Me: Even more.
I see Steve enter the room with a worried look on his face.
Steve: Guys, we need to talk.
Yeah I ended that on a cliffhanger. You will find out what Steve wants to tell the girls in chapter 5! Chow!

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