Chapter 12: Can't Hide Forever, Not Even Together

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Phoenix's POV:

When I wake up completely the next morning, the bed is empty except for me. Reaching my arm out, I hit the snooze button on the blaring alarm before I got a headache. Rolling over, I place my arm on the bed where he used to be and it's cool like it had never been slept on. He must have left hours ago. Sitting up groggily, I glance around the room. On close inspection of the room, the suitcases that were once in the corner of the room have disappeared. A slight feeling of loss runs through me, even if this isn't unexpected. He said his farewells last night in case of this event, we both knew this would happen. It isn't as if we expected to be able to say goodbye before he left, the chances were slim. First of all, I'm not a morning person so I sleep as much as possible. Sometimes on those times when he doesn't leave extremely early, he has to practically drag me out of bed so I can go to work. When he isn't feeling so patient he just sets the alarm and leaves. This just happens to be one of those times. I'm grateful for it though, sometimes when I'm on my own I forget to set my own alarm and I end up late to the office. Then if Maya or Pearls is there I get chewed out for oversleeping. Second of all, since his trial is today, he must have gotten up insanely early to make the drive from this city to the next. If I remember correctly, the drive to the closest city is an hour, and what are the chances that he's even going to that specific one? That isn't even taking into account of when his trial is today. It makes me wonder if he got enough sleep last night to focus on the trial.

Shoving the blanket off of me sloppily, it's only then that I notice that the blanket was actually neatly smoothed out and neat until I went and wrinkled it up again. The pillows are also adjusted so that they are straight, including mine. Feeling guilty, I get off the bed and smooth it out as best as I can, which is not too bad if I say so myself. Laughing softly to myself, I pad my way out the door, down the hallway, and towards the bathroom. I can't believe I slept through him making the bed, with me on it no less! He's neat and orderly as always, maybe I should straighten up my office today, before he comes back in a few days and randomly shows up in my mess of an office.

When I'm done getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I'm about to leave before I notice a slip of white paper on the kitchen counter. On first glance, I can already tell that it's from Miles with his slightly slanted script. His occasional notes that he leaves for me in the mornings are always written in it. The rips along the side of the lined paper tells me the paper must have been ripped out of his organizer, probably in a hurry. I wonder if he was rushing because he woke up late or if it was something he thought of briefly in passing and therefore had to write at that exact moment before he forgot. Carefully picking it up, I examine the contents of the letter and I can feel the corners of my mouth curve upward as I read it.

'Wright, as you are still asleep, I will leave you a note. Your clothes are in your specified drawer. I folded them for you. There is no need for you to take back all your belongings until I return, you may leave some of your clothes items here. Keep in mind that if I return and find my home looking like a storage locker, I will personally transport and leave your items at your front door, clothes included. Also, don't worry about Pesu. She is under the care of a certain individual until I return. When you do wake up, make sure to lock the door and turn off the stove should you use it for some reason. Unfortunately my home is indeed flammable. On that note, take care of yourself Wright, and be careful. I'll call to check on you around noon. -Edgeworth.'

To be honest, I hadn't even noticed Pesu was gone until just now. I felt like something was missing when I opened the bedroom door, but I hadn't been able to pinpoint it until now. Maybe I had just chalked it down to the lack of a certain magenta prosecutor dashing around at the time, but now I realize that strange quietness is because Pesu isn't around to disturb the silence like usual. Normally, the second one of us opens the bedroom door, Pesu is already awake and runs towards us, barking energetically the whole way. It is something that I'm used to now, since it happens more times than not, and after awhile my brain must have filed the details away in the irrelevant information section of my mind. Speaking of information, I wonder who exactly Miles left Pesu with. He wouldn't leave her with just anybody, he loves her a lot, even if he doesn't show it as much. Well, he told me not to worry about her so she must be in capable hands...hopefully. It's not like it's much of my business anyway, no matter how close I am to Pesu and Miles. I don't need to know every single little thing about him, even if knowing more would be nice... Wait, I sound like a stalker don't I?!

Turnabout Together: (Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth) (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now