Chapter 2

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It all started in school. Now I'm not sure about you but I hate school, always have always will. I guess you can say it's where I so the most embarrassing things. "Aurora!" Someone calls and snaps me out of my thoughts."Aurora Marie Woodsworth." The voice says again. Only one person calls me that, I can tell who it is without even lifting my head. "Gwyneth Lee Soiles" I call back. "Ugh, you know I hate my full name Rora." She uses her nickname for me that I've had since we were little. "Sorry Gwyn, I was just copying my best friend. You know that it's the best form of flattery." "Yes. wait, watch out!" She calls. To late. Pretty soon I'm running into the most popular girl in school and just like that, she pushes me down making all my books scatter. If it was in slow motion, it would look exactly like a movie scene. "Watch it clumsy." She says, and walks away laughing with her posse. "The ice queen strikes again" Gwyn says with a smile. We've called her the ice queen for a while now because she's got a cold heart and she runs the school, but also her name is Winter so... Get it? "I just can't wait until school is over" I say. She laughs and says "then we better get going to our first class." This is going to be a long day.

Yay, I did another chapter. The nice thing about it is since I'm homeschooled I can write whenever and count it for schooling. I'm still building up to the actiony part of the story (yes I know that's not a word, no I don't care) I still don't know how I'm exactly going to do the fixing the mistakes journey, but it's NOT going to be magic. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks and keep being awesome.
Peace out people!

The Mistakes We Makeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن