Chapter 5

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"Now that were here I'd like to properly introduce myself. I'm Bartholomew and the other person you saw earlier is my grandson, Peter." "Ok" I reply "and I'm Aurora, but you already knew that" he smiles and goes back to drinking his tea. "So what exactly is that?" I ask, pointing to the big machine in the middle of the room. "Something awesome" is heard said from the other side. It's his grandson Peter again. "It's a time machine" Bartholomew answers after him, saying it like it's a normal thing to have a time machine. My eyes grow wide as I slowly turn to it, get up, and walk towards it. "And why exactly am I here?" I ask, "you wanted to fix your mistakes, here is your chance" Bartholomew replies, gesturing to the so called 'time machine' but for some reason I believe everything he's saying. After staring at it for a while, contemplating whether or not I should go, I day "yeah,sure,why not. Let's do this!" That's all they need to hear before they pack up all the things we'll need for the long trip. Peter then helps me in and comes in after me. He latches the door shut and starts the engine up. As we start to take off I yell "were gonna die!!!" He just laughs calmly and shakers his head at my obvious fear. That's the last thing I remember before I fainted.

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