Chapter 7

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As he turns the lever the time machine starts spinning really fast and rocking from one side to another. "IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS?" I yell to Peter through the chaos. "DO YOU THINK THAT IF THIS IS WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE DOING I WOULD BE SCREAMING FOR MY LIFE?" He yells back. I walk over to him through the the mess of flying papers and a spinning floor, but that's easy for me considering that's how I always feel when walking. That's why I'm so clumsy. "You scream like a girl" I say to him when I finally reach him on the opposite side of the room. He glares at me this time and says nothing else. "Have you used this thing before?" I ask. "No, you and I are the test subjects." Oh joy, I get him being a test subject, but why me? I walk over to the thing with all the buttons he was using before, and look at all of the controls. Ten seconds passed and here I am carefully using the control panel. "YOU KNOW, CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT!" He yells from the same spot in the room he was before. I stare at the control panel before muttering "and satisfaction brought it back" and pulling a lever, which stopped the never-ending spinning. He looks at me in complete shock "you. spinning. control panel. How?" He manages to stutter out before falling over and passing out from dizziness. I smile and shake my head before turning over to the control panel and wondering how I did what I did. It's right at that moment that I notice the time and date to where we are heading. "Wait, before we were heading to the 50s. Now we're on our way to the 1800s?" I say to myself. I try changing the date by using what he used to set it in the first place but it's no use, it's stuck and I'm not strong enough to move it. I turn to check on Peter and sure enough, he's still passed out. Great, just great. I guess I better find something to wear in the 1800, because that's where we're going now. This is gonna be fun. Note the sarcasm.

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