Chapter 8

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I groan aloud and make my way over to a random hallway. I haven't had a chance to look around for anything here. As I step into the long hallway I notice that there are doors everywhere. I peek inside the first one to see that it is just a storage room. The next looks like a bedroom so being the curious person I am, I decided to check it out. It's quite simple with only a bed, a desk, a closet, and a lamp. After looking around the room for not even a minute I leave do to boredom and continue my search for clothing. The next room holds a swimming pool, I use all of my self control to not just jump in wearing my clothes and keep looking. Door after door there is nothing, and it's really getting old. Finally at the middle of the hallway I open a door that is a room filled with tons of clothes. I'm shocked by how organized it is, considering a guy made it. Every section of clothing is separated into sections labeled be the time period they are from, which makes it a lot easier for me. I grab a maroon colored dress (opening image) and head over to the changing room in the corner.
When I finished changing I head back out into the long hallway, deciding I should probably check on Peter. When I reach the main room I see him still I'm the same place he was when I left. It's quite nice having the peace and quiet right now, but it's a little boring as well. I walk over to him and slap his face "hey, wake up" I say to him, loudly. "I'm up! I'm up! I'm up!" He says as he struggles to actually get up. When he finally does, with no help from me since I'm laughing at him from the sidelines, he gives me a confused look. "What are you wearing" he asks. "Well, since we are going to the 1800s, I figured it would be smart to dress the part." "Yeah ok, that makes since... wait. I thought we were going to the 1950s?" "We were, but your little machine decided that it's to good first the 50s and decided to go back further" "Are you sure you didn't do it?" He presses further. "Yes! Now go change!" He gives me a little salute before skipping off into the hallway. Well he is off doing that I decide to grab a book to read from my bag.
When he finally comes back I've already finished almost 10 Chapters. "Finally" I say to him, he just rolls his eyes and says "lets go" We walk over to the doors and open them, pausing for a minute to look at the beautiful surroundings, we seem to have landed in a field of wildflowers. It's silent for a moment before he speaks up "By the way, how did you find the closet? Were you being nosy?" I turn to him and glare "Good job ruining the moment" I say before taking the first step into our new adventure.

Hello readers! Sorry for the short chapter. I'm having a little bit of writers block with this book. So I'm not sure when I'll next be updating it, but please don't be mad if it takes a while. Thank you to everyone who is still reading this. XOXO- Jaidyn

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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