Jason's Child

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Being a son of Jupiter and all, Jason was no doubt admired by many. Still, there were a handful who still held bitterness against him, for whatever reason.

It was the day before Piper was giving birth to their first child. She was already at the infirmary. Jason was at their home in New Rome, packing some things for her when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Opening it, Jason found a note on the doormat. Wondering, he brought it inside and addressed the letter.

To the couple and their new baby.

Congratulations, Jason, on your child.

I'm just here to tell you that maybe you should name your child Dis, because it's definitely a Dis Grace.

        The person you kicked in the crotch 5 years ago.

Jason crumpled up the letter and sighed. "I am not naming my child Dis." He went outside.

"AND IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" he yelled.

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