A Very Demigod Easter

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"It needs to be special."

"How about we send Frank?"

"What? No, not again. The last time that happened, Hazel brought me to the forest and like, interrogated me."

Percy, Leo, Jason and Frank were discussing their first proper Easter in camp.

"Then what should we do? The only thing the camp has ever done that was Easter related was when Travis and Connor er, decorated the Demeter cabin with Easter eggs. Leo, what do you say?"

"Hmm. I got it! *whispers idea*" Leo spoke excitedly.

"That's a great idea!" Percy exclaimed. Jason and Frank just exchanged doubted looks.

The next day, four bunnies, or demigods in bunny suits walked around camp. Leo and Percy looked especially happy. Jason and Frank looked like they wanted to hide in a corner. They handed Easter eggs around, Jason and Frank mumbling 'Happy Easter' whereas Percy and Leo basically screamed. They got some encouraging reactions.

Annabeth - Oh. How nice. *walks away*

Piper - That's cute. *walks away*

Hazel - Why are you dressed as bunnies and giving out eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs, do they? (sigh...)

Katie screamed and ran away. ("It's all your fault, Mr D!")

Travis and Connor had an egg fight. ("Thanks guys!")

Nico slammed the door upon seeing them. ("Idiots... Everywhere I go... Idiots...")

At the end of the day, they gathered. "I don't think Easter went very well." they said glumly. Except for Percy. Leo had already given up but not Percy.

"It's okay guys," he said enthusiastically. "There's always next year." he said cheerfully. "We shall instill in their hearts the beauty of Easter and the joys of egg giving to the innocent souls to purify their hearts of rabbit dislike."

"It's just Easter."

"To you, it may. But not to me. I feel like-"

"We get it!" They all groaned and looked like they wanted to gag. "Why are we friends with you anyway?"


Okay I just realized Easter is tomorrow and I didn't do anything for it. Seriously, the tv has been talking about it for days and it didn't occur to me to write about it until just now. On Valentine's Day I didn't forget to do one (some) , did I? Because it was my birthday. You don't forget your birthday. And do you realize that the title sounds like it's for Christmas? Bye, sincerely, a very guilty author.

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