my brother's best friend

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The next song plays, then write another word down.
I hear car pulled in the driveway, probably my idiot brother. I swear if that girlfriend of his with him. I will kill both of them.
My brother walk in, and blonde hair, hot guy is behind. I think when did my brother get hot friend. Shit I'm in my pj's and there's a hot guy over.
" hey Naruto do you want anything to drink" my brother's said to the blonde hair boy. Naruto sits at the end of the couch, the same one I am sitting on. He looks over at me. Should I say something, to him.
" no I'm fine" Naruto said back to my brother. His voice, makes him even sexier. I pull up my earphones. Naruto is still watching my every move. What should I say to him.
" hey I am (y/n), the idiot brothers little sister " I said
He smiles at me.
" I'm the idiot friend, Naruto "
His smile is like heaven. I smile back. My brother sits between us. Now I think going to kill him.
" (y/n) are you writing in that diary again" said my brothers.
"For the hundredth time time, is not a diary, it is thought notebook" I say.
" come on Naruto, let's go to my room" . They both get up, as Naruto pass by me he waves. I give him a big smile back.
12:00 am
I get up to get something to drink. Everyone should be to bed by now. At last thats what I thought. I walked into the kitchen. Naruto pouring a glass of tea. He turn around so you can't see me.
" can you pour me a glass, of that"
he turn, he looked scared as shit.
" damn you scaring, me (y/n)"
" sorry about that, did my brother kick you out or can't sleep"
He handed me a glass of tea. He looked at me and then give me a big smile. I bite my bottom lip. He looked like he was about to choke on the drink. He cleared his throat with a deep breath.
Naruto said " no he didn't kick me out, I wasn't tired and I was thirsty so I got a glass tea"
" I kind of guessed that, so long as you my brother been friend"
I sat at the kitchen table, he takes seat from cross me.
Maybe 20 minutes or longer, me and Naruto talk and talk. Somehow my brother, is friends decent man. Which is really weird, because my brother is the total opposite of a decent man. Naruto ain't perfect, but he's closer to it than my brother. The cool is thing you, it was easy to talk to him. Even he ask me about my thought notebook, and he didn't even laugh about it, he seems to smile even more. After talking and talking we both decided, we better go to bed or someone will wake up and wonder why we are up in the middle of the night. That would be awkward to explain that to my mom or my dad, I wouldn't even want to know what brother would think.

Naruto x reader my brother best friendWhere stories live. Discover now