the hours with Naruto

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After 10 minutes telling my brother that I can hang out here with Naruto. I mean really what did my brother think? It was like we would do anything wrest than what they was going to do. I think should say thank to my brother for leaving me alone with Naruto. But also really bad at him, he leaves Naruto for me to pick up. Really for what his girlfriend. I thought it was friends before girl.
I say " Naruto if you just want to go home, I understand you don't have to hang out with me"
" is that what you want, I mean I can leave if you want me to."
I say" no I want you to stay, want to watch some Netflix"
5 min later we finally decided on a action ,comedy. Whine the movies beings, Naruto is sitting next to me. For some reason I start notice Naruto, has really big arm muscles, what does he work out everyday. He looks over at me, not wanting me to notice. I can tell by the way he looks at me. But I can't help wanting to see those blue eyes, that are filled with so much happiness. We start stare into each others eyes. I blink couple times and I look down. The awkwardness is right there. Not knowing what to say, after staring into each others eyes with desire and want. I don't understand this, he has put a spell on me or something. How to say it I'm craving him, like bad on bad. Great is it really going to be like this every time he comes over, I think I will die. Because my body is very aware of him. But why do I feel this way for my bother best friend.
I go back to watching the movie. 20 minutes later. The house phone rings. I answer it, Naruto pause the movie.
On phone
Me: oh hey mom, what's up
Mom: I'm just going to tell you, will be coming home soon.
Me: oh ok, is that it.
Mom: where is your brother
Me: at Nagisa
Mom: did Naruto go with him
Me: ..... yeah he did, they took Sakata car, so Naruto car is still here.
Mom: oh already, love you make sure the doors lock
Me: love you too, see you soon
End of the phone call
Naruto's looking at me. I look back at him.
I say " come on, I got to hide you in my room"
He raises an eyebrow at me.
" not in that way, my mom is coming home and she can't know you're here, because you know how weird that would be, explaining why my brothers friends over here without my brother here. And also your are guy and I'm a girl. So my mom would flip crap"
He laughs and he smile. Making me feel warm inside. Really just a his smile gets me, I need help.
" y'all go to your room " He said, winking at me. Really he's unbelievable.
_______________________________________ in my room with Naruto
I can hear the front door open. So I get up, say hi to my parents.
I say" stay here I'll be right back"
He nods his head.
Me: hey Mom, hey Dad
Dad: hey sweetie
Mom: hey I got you something, want you go try this on.
Mom hands me a shirt and some jeans. Wait where am I supposed to change, Naruto in my room, I guess I have to use the bathroom. So I will quick change. And come out.
I say" so what do you think"
Mom said "looks good, here try this nightgown on"
And I do, and then I come out.
Mom said" why don't you just keep that on, while wash your clothes"
I nod my head, on way to my room. Wait I'm wearing a gown, and there's a boy in my room. That isn't my boyfriend, what even is he to me. I open the door, where's Naruto ain't where I left him, he was on the bed.
I say" Naruto, where are you"
There was no answer, I check my closet. He ain't there either, where would he have gone. Then I feel something touch my back. I jump and turn. Naruto look at me, with the big grinning. I roll my eyes at him. Then he looks at me funny, from top to bottom.
" what are you wear" he said, moving to sit on the bed.
" my mom just got it, and she just wanted to wash my clothes"
I sit next Naruto, I look out the window its already getting late. When does on brother getting home, or did he decided to stay at her house. I like a lot, but I don't know, the part where hes like guy and he's on my bed. And give me chill bumps and really dirty thought. I lay back on a pillow, trying to keep my eyes open. I turn off my light, the only light coming through is from the window. Naruto has laid back with me.
I say " let's just go to bed, I'm tired of waiting for my brother"
Naruto doesn't answer. Then we both fall asleep.

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