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You danced in harmony to the beat of the music. You smiled- a sad one. Your dance was perfect-only it was missing one thing, or one person.
Jimin, your best friend, your dance companion, your partner in crime, your secret love.

The two of you have reached stardom, because of being a street dancer. Then he auditioned to Big Hit Company and got accepted as an idol. You are happy with him, but, sometimes you wished he didn't became an idol. He entered his dream, yes, but he exited from you. Even he treats you only as a best friend, or someone he has been with since the both of you were little, or just someone he dance with at clubs or at streets.

You are exhausted and decided to get out from your practice room and get something to eat. You stopped by at 7/11 and bought your favorites, sweets and all. You payed at the counter, and the TV was on.

Since you bought a lot of foods, you watched at the TV as you wait for the cashier to finish pricing the foods.

The BTS was on. The group where Jimin belongs.

"Thank you very much. Especially to the ARMYs. Without you guys, we can't achieve this reward." Rap Monster, the leader, smiled.

Jimin got the trophy and reached for the mic. "We dedicate this trophy to the ARMYs out there, while I dedicate this also to my best-est friend of all. [Y/N]!!" He paused and you looked at the screen, not knowing what to feel. "Fighting!~"

The show ended and you payed for the things you've bought. You went home afterwards and was shocked to see your door wasn't locked. You must've left it unlock--you think.

The lights were on and you were pretty sure you turned them off. You grabbed Jimin's baseball bat- the one he gave you when he taught you how to play baseball- and went to your practice room, where the stereos were on.

You dropped the bat as you saw the guy dancing inside.

"Ah. Y/N, you're here. Miss me?"

"Jimin-ah!" You shouted and hugged him so tightly.

"Can't. Breath." He said and you let him go.

You froze when you realized the two of you are so close--so close you two can both kiss.

Slowly then, without a doubt, you crashed your lips on his, and smiled in between when he kissed you back.

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