Suga - Epic Date

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I'm writing this at like 5:30am in my bathroom because damn people, it's my first day of school today. (Posted it late cuz my wifi broke ;-;//) Vacation's over but I'll still update. A request from Semmi❤️ Hope you like it. Happy 4th year anniversary BTS and ARMYs❤️😍


Suga is the exact opposite of Semmi. So when Suga asked his girlfriend on a date to the amusement park, Semmi was both shocked and thrilled. She always wanted to go there, like the childish and bubbly girl she is, but Suga was always against it. So now that they're finally here, Semmi wanted to ride every single ride.

"Make it fast." Suga said.

"What do you mean?" Semmi whined, "You're not coming with me?"

He just shrugged and took out his phone. Semmi grunted and pulled her boyfriend with her to the roller coaster, even when his eyes are glued to his phone.

Even though Semmi shouted at the top of her lungs, Suga didn't even blink an eye.

Next ride was the ferris wheel, and even though they were suddenly stuck at the very top because of some sort of costumer problem, Suga's eyes didn't leave his phone and never did he talk to Semmi at all.

Semmi wondered why the hell she even dated this guy, but then remembered he wasn't always like this. Sure, he could be this annoying sometimes that she could almost throw her shoes at him, and there are those time when she really do, but there are also the moments when Semmi is reminded as to why she loved this man: he could be sweet to her as much as he could be cold.

Though, bored and annoyed, Semmi decided to call her childhood best friend, Taehyung. In just a few rings, he answered "Noona!" Semmi smiled and simply said "SOS." then immediately hung up her phone. She knew that Taehyung will understand it, they've been using the code for years. It only meant one thing: "I'm bored so crack me up till my stomach hurts."

Lips pouting the entire time they were silent at the ferris wheel until finally they got out, she was thrilled when her phone ringed and Taehyung's name popped up.

V: Hi Semmi-noona

V: Jin hyung asked me why Peter Pan is always flying.

V: i said because he NEVERLANDS

V: Jin hyung scolded me a lot.

V: I wasn't supposed to answer it.

Semmi can't help but chuckle as she walk around the park, forgetting the rides. Suga looked up at her, suddenly confused to see Semmi laughing at her phone. Semmi ignored Suga's glare and continued to chat with Taehyung.

V: why did Vincent Van Gogh leave?

Sem: why? >_>

V: because he wanna GOGH

V: ^_^V

V: noona

Sem: yes?>_<

V: why is the world round?

Sem: deep. Why?

V: I dunno~~ That's why I'm asking, right?\>o</

"Aish, this alien." Semmi snickered. Suga rolled his eyes and snatched Semmi's phone. "Hey!"

His eyebrow raised at the sight of Semmi's conversation with Taehyung, his expression suddenly annoyed.
"Why are you texting with him?"

"I don't know," Semmi rolled her eyes. "Maybe because my boyfriend isn't talking at me at all and has his eyes glued on the phone. So if you could, why can't I?"

"Really?" Suga asked, sarcasm evident. "Just because of that? You know how much I'm busy at work and just made time for you? Well, I'm sorry I need to check up on work."

"Yes. Because of that." Semmi grunted. "Because you're here but I don't feel like you are. I'm sorry I just want to be with you in this place to enjoy."

Semmi huffed before walking out. Suga sighed and wiped his face with his hand.

"Semmi." He called after her.

She ignored him and continued on walking.

"Sem, come on. I'm sorry."

"Whatever. Go back to work. I'm going home."

"Semmi baby, please don't be like this. I'm sorry."

Suga suddenly pulled her and she cursed her weak legs for not walking far enough. He embraced her gently, his face buried on her neck. "I'm sorry, baby. Please don't be mad at me."

Semmi bit her lip to avoid smiling, but she tried in vain. Semmi can't help but giggle at her childishness and at Suga's annoying workaholism.  "Okay."

"We okay now?" Suga cupped her face.

Semmi nodded. Suga grinned and suddenly pulled her. "Let's ride the Vikings," he smiled. "I've been waiting for you to drag me there."

Semmi didn't have to, Suga did.

It was the best date she ever had.

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