Suga - Tour

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Hey guys! It's been a long time now, eh? I'm glad to see new readers and I'm very happy that you lovely people are still reading my shit hahaha. Sooo here's a request from Jessica. Thank you and hope you like this!

Yoongi has been sweating for three hours now. Though his clothes are alarmingly thin for the winter, he felt so hot outside the airport waiting for someone. The snow felt soft against his steps, going back and forth looking for her. "She should be here now..." He said to himself.

Jessica is back, the girl he's been crushing on for years. She's his childhood sweetheart back when her family's here in Korea because of business. They were neighbors and still kept in touch even when Jessica went back to Brazil, her country. Now she's having a vacation in Korea and Yoongi gulped.

Though he sees Jessica every time they video call, there's still something about seeing her in person that makes his palms uncontrollably wet.

"Gummy bear!"

Yoongi can't help but smile at the nickname.

"Jelly bean..." He flashed his gummy smile at her as she clumsily left her baggage to rush into his arms.

"Oh my god, it's freezing here! How can you handle this? I almost forgot how cold Korea is. I mean--if my mom didn't remind me to bring winter clothes I would've been stranded inside the airport. It's freaking cold even with the heaters in there and--"

"I miss you." Yoongi cut her off. Jessica playfully pouted.

"We just saw each other last night!"

"But you weren't hugging me, you were miles away."

"Hush your cheesiness, Yoongs and go get my bag." Jessica ordered. Yoongi laughed and obliged, taking her baggages and Jessica herself to his car.

"A lot of things changed while you were away--" He was saying, but Jessica was too busy to mind him. Pressing her nose against the car window, Jessica giggled.

"Helloooooooo Koreaaaaa~ Jessica is back! Hey Gummy Bear, who's living in my house now? Well no longer my house but you get the point. Do you still live beside it? Oh wait, what an idiot, you're living with your band members now right? You're big time now, Yoongs! Which do you prefer? Should I call you Suga or Agust D?"

Too many questions but Yoongi didn't bother to answer them. Jessica keeps on asking for question's sake, not for answers. She's still so loud, he thought, and still beautiful.

Yoongi glanced at her before looking back at the road. "Let's drop you first at a hotel before I tour you--"

"What?? No! Let's tour now!"

"But Jelly Bean you just got off the plane--"

"--all I ever did there was eat and sleep. I'm not tired at all. You can't tell me what I should do, tour me now." Jessica whined.

Yoongi scoffed. "If you say so..."


Part two coming soon....

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