Chapter 30

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When her two-hour-ten-minute shift was up, Anthony and Kal came in to relieve them. Alyssa went jogging, leaving Sierra to fend for herself yet again. There was no first-aid lecture scheduled for that day. She had the rest of the afternoon completely to herself. Sierra decided that the lull in her daily activities finally gave her the opportunity to sit still and do the descriptive exercise that Jocelyn had given her. She settled herself down in the rec room, her back against the armrest and her feet lounging along the length of the couch in cosy comfort. After a moment's thought, she put pen to paper and just let the words come:

The unknowns

The animal identities of several members of my team are still unknown to me, but each of them is a unique and intriguing person. Seeing Alyssa and Adam in their natural forms was mind-blowing, so I know that finally discovering what the other's look like in their true shape will be mesmerising. Even those I have seen make me want to know so much more.

I finally saw Karina as a wolf and she was beautiful. Her coat was almost the same colour as her dark chestnut hair, just as I imagined it. I am totally jealous of her hair! But what intrigues me most about her is the subtle differences in social structure between her and Jason's packs. She calls herself a vilkacis, stubbornly drawing a line between her own people and other werewolves of the world. Perhaps she is right - her kind might just be a little different from the others. In all the time I was with Jason, I never once heard mention of a beta wolf. But Karina is one of two in her family - and she has hinted that there are more back home. Are the vilkacis from older, purer lines? It would be interesting topic to research!

I know that Senka is feline because Devon can't take his eyes off of her. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she is gorgeous too. Move over Scarlet Johansson - coz Senka wouldn't hesitate to kick you out the competition. I get tingles when I'm near her, so I know that she's not the same as Devon or Adam. With each of them on opposite ends of the colour spectrum, I simply cannot imagine what sort of cat Senka might be. Her jet-black hair makes me think of a dark coat, like Devon's, but for some reason, that doesn't feel quite right. I'm not entirely sure why that is - I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I'm pretty convinced that our team leader, Kalko, is some sort of sea creature. He's also an arse, but that is a topic for another page. Kal smells like the ocean after a transformation, and he absolutely devours fish like a freaking shark. He doesn't seem as keen on vegetables as Alyssa, so I'm guessing that he's some kind of predator. He's really strong and fast and has got this intensity about him - like he's ready to snap at anything that goads him the wrong way. Unfortunately I can't seem to make myself stop doing that...

Kal says he can't back down from a challenge, but I've thrown quite a few at him during training sessions. Maybe it's in the eyes? He's been avoiding mine a lot since that first day in the rec room!

Then there's cute little Ken. He comes across as being really quiet and easy-going, but I sense an intelligence and inner-strength that I'd like to get to know more about. Perhaps cunning would be a better word to describe him? So far he's not been terribly devious (that I'm aware of), but there's always something there, lurking beneath the surface... I suspect he's just too shy to express it fully. When Ken smiles, his eyes sort of slit tight like a sleepy little fox or something - it's adorable. Once or twice I've had this strange urge to scratch his belly - like it might be soft and fluffy in his animal form. Devon confirmed that he's canine, but I'm not entirely sure what kind because he's not as drawn to red-meat as the wolves are. Also, the fact that I get a buzz from him tells me that he's nothing that I've encountered before - and what else is there, other than wolves?

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