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When life gives you lemons use them for weed. It gives it flavor. Or so I was taught. This business, I've been a pro since the beginning. I have nothing to live up for expect this. It paid real well and I didn't have to be a stripper. Although that would of been quit different. My friends, well people I hang out with do the same shit I do living the way as I do. I didn't have much of a choice. There was nothing there for me.

I wanted to believe in god and have hope and think I had this great destiny and pathway for me. I really wanted too. I envied the people that do but I just wasn't one of those people. I couldn't.

My life was just a big fuck up. My mom was an alcoholic and my dad, well he left. I don't blame him. I wanted to get far away and escape. No one cared to bother to help me out. My decisions have all been based off my living. Like I said there wasn't much for me and I learned to adapt to it; to be okay with it.

I watch as my best customer walks towards me.

Nate Maloley

I close my locker door and face him with a relax present.


"How much for 2?"


"Is it good?"

"That's why it's $30"

"Alright. Ill take it."

He slips the money in my hand as I do the same for his joint. It was all the same. In fact daily every time here in the exact same spot. Nothing more came out of it.

I drove home and pull out a lighter as I light up my joint. Weed. It was pure and addicting but it was bad and torturing. But yet still I did it. I press my lips, parting them slightly, and place it on a stick form object.

My phone rings. I quickly answer putting it on speaker.



"What do you want?"

"Are you going to the party tonight."



"Yeah. I kind of just want to get drunk and forget everything."

"That makes two of us."

"I think I'm just going to change and then go straight over there."

"Yeah I'm driving there now."

"Well then i'll see you in a few minutes."

"Okay bye."

"Bye Sam."

I hang up phone and pull into my driveway entering the dangerous environment I call my home.


I'm sorry this is really crappy it will pick up in the next chapter I just had to basically give you information and shit if you understand.

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- b ; hotline bling$$

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