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I've never been a fan of hospitals, they've always freaked me out. I guess it's the fact that well,people die here.

As Sarah and I made our way into the lobby it all finally hit me, he may not survive. What if he's already...dead.... Megan stop it! Just go in and see him, don't focus on the million what ifs. I braced myself to walk into the room, I turned into intensive care where the hospital told Sarah he would be staying. As we moved though the closed doors a huge man blocked our path.

"Name?" He asked.

"Sarah Michelson, here to see Jack Brewer." She stated. I kept my mouth shut, as he looked us over.

"Don't you know that you're not suppose to be back here?" He spat out bitterly.

"Oh, we are really sorry.." I said while moving out of the door.


Another hour passed as we waited for some news from the nurses. So far all we knew was that Jack had broken a few of his ribs and his leg, but somehow he was alive. "Miss Brooks?" A nurse scanning the room called. I flagged her over. "The tests just came in. No other broken bones or sprains, Jack is doing very well now." She said with a smile. I jumped with glee as I felt Sarah let go of my hand, which she was squeezing.
"But I have some bad news....Jacks vision isn't getting better. I know it's barley been a day but we have never seen anyone this impaired regain their vision." She said ultimately breaking my heart.

"Can I see him?" I asked the nurse quickly.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Can I see Jack?" I repeated. She looked at me as she held up her pen and looked through her notes again. She scribbled somethings down and looked back up at me.

"I don't think thats a good idea." She said finally.

"Why? You said he was doing well." I said stating the obvious.

"He is, but...oh okay. You got me you can go see him. 2nd door to the right." She motioned towards the hallway. Sarah grabbed my hand and off we went to room B254.

As I enter the room I immediately spotted him. He was laying down on the bed with his leg in a cast and sling. His eye were slightly purple and swollen, his face filled with tiny cuts. His hair was wet and flat. I studied the rest of him. Feeling worse with each glance.

Looking at him I felt a sudden feeling of loss, not like he had died but like a part of him had. The nurse had warned us that he wasn't awake since he had just had a operation where he needed to be asleep. So the medicine hadn't worn off.  

The nurse made her way back into the room to check on his heart rate and other things.

"What happened to him." I asked.

"You don't know?" She asked. Well of course not that's why I'm asking you. But instead of saying that I just nodded.

"Well he was in a terrible car crash, a witness said he ran the red and got hit by an SUV.But somehow the people in the SUV were okay. They actually came in and checked on him a while back." Wait so random people got to see him before his girlfriend? Anybody else think that's completely messed up? I thought angrily to myself.


It was time to call it a night and get home, it was 10pm and I'd been sitting in the waiting room for over 6 hours. After talking to the nurses, they promised me that they would call if anything happened to him. I didn't want to leave but what choice did I have? I couldn't stay overnight by myself. Sarah went home 4 hours ago because she had work the next day, luckily I called in sick.  I wanted so badly to stay overnight but I was tired, and I needed some rest. I needed to get some work done for the Bricktons wedding tomorrow.

As I made my way out of the hospital I prayed a silent prayer to God that Jack would be okay. 

As I drove home I could only think of him. My whole heart hurt and I felt like I'd lost him. Seeing him immobile on the bed was enough to send shivers down my spine. I felt empty with out him. It was like we were in Romeo and Juliet, feel in love in one night and then die the next day. Not that I'm calling anything, but with my luck its a high possibility. I kept all these thoughts in my head as I drove through the night. It was very unlike me go not jam out to my favorite songs or at least have some music playing. But this night, I needed to be alone in my thoughts.

As I made my way into my drive way and into the house I felt empty, I felt no emotion. I didn't know how to feel.

I just prayed that everything would be okay again and again. Please Lord let him live!
I screamed as I broke down crying on my bed. How can a guy I've known for less than a week make such an impression on me?

As I went into dream land I thought of him waking up and us falling in love, and I imagined him being able to see again and then he would open up and tell me what happened.We would kiss and cry and hug. I was so happy in the dream that I wished it was a reality. He will wake up, he has to.

That's right Megan think of the positives. I thought to myself, before falling into a deep sleep.

I'll be updating at least once a week. I updated a lot in the beginning because I wanted to get to this part of the story!😊 I really hope nobody got too mad with all the notifications! 😂

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