Chapter 7: Brother

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"Vicky wake up." A girl with brown hair with a white streak in the front with green eyes say.

"Hello who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Anna Marie but you can call me Rogue." Rogue says.

"Okay so how did you get in my room? The door is locked." I say.

"I phased through." Rogue says.

"So your mutation is phasing?" I ask.

"No it is when I touch someone I absorb whatever mutations that person has and also their memories." Rogue says.

"So who did you absorb that can phase?" I ask.

"Kitty a.k.a. Shadowcat. You will meet her later." Rogue says.

"Why did you wake me up?" I ask.

"To give you your class schedules." Rogue says.

She hands me a piece of paper and I look over it. English, math, science, social studies, and the last subject I have is danger room.

"Whats danger room?" I ask.

"It is when you practice fighting with your mutations to improve it." Rogue says.

"Oh okay." I say.

"I am going to head to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Join us later." Rogue says.

"Sure." I say.

Rogue walks towards the door and phases through. I head to my bathroom and take a shower. I put on some clothes then head to the kitchen. I walk in and I see Scott, Jean, Logan, Storm, Rogue, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes, and a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. They all look at me and Storm approaches me.

"Hello Vicky slept well last night?" Storm asks.

"Yes I did. I was awoken by Rogue." I say.

Storm smiles at me and Rogue giggles in the background. I knew me and her would be best friends.

"Meet Kitty and Bobby." Storm says.

The girl with brown hair and blue eyes approaches me.

"Hi I am Kitty. I can phase through objects." Kitty says.

The boy with brown hair and brown eyes approaches me too.

"I am Bobby. I can create ice." Bobby says.

Rogue approaches me too. She stands next to Kitty while Kitty stands next to Bobby. They all look best of friends.

"What mutations do you have?" Rogue asks.

"Telepathy, creating and manipulating fire, and becoming diamond." I say.

They all sit back down in their chairs and I take some breakfast. Pancakes. Yummy. I sit next to the three best friends and we talk endlessly until Professor comes in about to say something.

"Hello everybody we have a new student today." Professor says.

He motions someone to come out of the shadows and a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes like me comes out. He looks at me with an astonished face.

"This is Houston." Professor says.

Everyone looks at us and listens intently. He walks forward and takes a seat next to us four.

"Hi I am Kitty." Kitty says.

"My name is Rogue." Rogue says.

"I am Bobby." Bobby says.

Just when I was about to say what my name was he interrupted me.

"Your mutations are telepathy, creating and manipulating fire, and becoming diamond right?" Houston asks me.

"How did you know?" I ask confused.

"Because I am your brother." Houston says.

Everybody looks shocked. I look shock too myself. Houston still looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.

I have a brother.

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