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"John, I'm back." I say.

"So did you find them?" John asks.

"Yup. They're with the X-Men." I say.

"Good. I will call Magneto." John says.

"Hello Emma, so you found the twins?" Magneto asks.

"Yup. They're with Xavier." I say.

"I can disguise to be someone to lead them out of there." Mystique says.

"But I can run super quickly and get them out of there." Pietro says.

"Hello? I'm right here Pietro. I can get them out with just a snap of my fingers." Wanda says.

"Just let father handle this." Lorna says.

"Thank you sweetheart." Magneto says.

"Your always father's favorite." Pietro says.

"Hey, she's our little sister Pietro!" Wanda says.

"Yeah so, that doesn't mean she gets a right over us. We're still older." Pietro says.

"Oh darn big brothers." Lorna says.

"Hey, I helped you in a lot of things." Pietro says.

"Okay Mr.Show Off." Wanda says.

"Hey, at least I learned to control my powers well at a young age." Pietro says.

"Because your powers were just running. I'm the young one but I'm still powerful like Wanda." Lorna says.

"I can run around the earth less than a minute!" Pietro says.

"I can cause havoc in a second." Wanda says.

"Your Ms.Show Off." Pietro says.

"No she isn't, you are!" Lorna says.

"Now, now, children be quiet." Magneto says.

"So, what's your plan now Magneto?" I ask.

*Back At Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters*


It's been a week since the incident of Sabretooth kidnapping me. Everything seems to be okay here. I hang out more with Logan and my brother, Houston. I've also been getting better in Danger Room sessions. It's hard to challenge Houston in the Danger Room since he has the same mutations with me. I head to the kitchen to eat breakfast with the X-Men. Everyone seems to be there for a meeting.

"Hello Vicky, good morning." Professor says.

"Good morning Professor. Am I interrupting a meeting here?" I ask.

"Nope, we were just waiting for you because we all wanted to ask you a question." Professor says.

"Okay, what is it?" I ask.

"What would you like your X-Men codename to be?" Professor asks.

"Oo that's a hard question. What are you guys own?" I ask.

"I'm Wolverine." Logan says.

"I'm Shadowcat." Kitty says.

"I'm Nightcrawler." Kurt says.

"I'm Cyclops." Scott says.

"I'm Angel." Warren says.

"I'm Iceman." Bobby says.

"I'm Colossus." Peter says.

"I'm just Storm." Storm says.

"I'm just Jean too." Jean says.

"I'm just Rogue three." Rogue says.

"And I'm Professor X." Professor says.

"So what codename do you want kid?" Logan asks.

"Weapon Y." I say.

Weapon Y

Author's Note: Hello everyone, thank you for reading until the end of this book. There will be a sequel to this book called, "Weapon Y: Mutants Rule". I appreciate any positive comments. Please feel free to suggest any ideas you want for the sequel. It won't be published right away, but maybe in a few months. I promise you that it will be published. Until next time, goodbye!

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