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Hey guys :)

Thanks so much for the support that you guys have given me, I am so grateful for all of it. I can't believe how popular this book has become.

I just want to say one thing. I have received quite a few messages and comments relating my updating. Now please don't take this the wrong way. I love feedback, and for you guys to comment on my chapters. I love the fact how you all ask me for updates every time I post a new chapter, and I don't want that to stop. 

What I don't like, is when people criticize me, saying I'm not doing a good enough job at keeping regular updates, and that if I can't update on time, I shouldn't bother writing because it's a waste of their time. I have never said that there will always be regular updates. I am very busy at this time in my life, regarding school, and some very personal issues, that unfortunately writing has to come second to. I love writing, and I wish I could do it all day. So I hate to see nasty messages like that. 

This is only a minority, and I DON'T want you guys to stop commenting telling me to update. That is not the problem. Thanks so much for the support thanks so much to all of you!! xxx


I slam my locker closed, and yawn, rubbing my eyes. After Alex opened up to me last night, I didn't get much sleep. I stayed up all night, waiting for Will. He ended up coming home exhausted, but fine. A girl called Scarlett came with him. I found out that she's a nurse, and Zane's girlfriend. She helps Will out a lot. She's really nice.

Although Alex told me all that, he never mentioned the whole 'I like you thing' again. He left, after getting a text from Cole, asking him to go and stock up on Will's medication. I was kind of glad. That was a lot of information in one night. And he was so blunt about it.

On the bright side, Bianca comes home tomorrow, and tonight, Cole is going to take me home, to see my Mom. I'm supposed to go home tomorrow. I just hope that Mom has succeeded in calming my Father down, and convincing him to leave. 

I shuffle through the day, not really paying attention. I'm too tired to really care. Finally, it's lunch, and I find my usual seat near the dumpsters. Usually Bianca sits with me, so today is even more depressing. I bite into my sandwich, reading my book. 

"So this is what the cafeteria looks like." I turn around, to see Jake, Alex, Hayden, Vince, and the twins." Obviously the other kids go to different schools. They all join me, putting down their lunch trays.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask. "Shouldn't you be behind the gym brooding like angry men?"

"A man's gotta eat." Hayden snickers, taking a big bite of sloppy joe. He pauses, before letting it slip out of his mouth back onto the plate, sliding it away. "When it's edible." I chuckle, and give him the other half of my sandwich.

"Yeah." I tease. "Rule one, don't go for the hot lunch." The boys continue eating, talking. 

"So Harp." Vince grins. "I think you should keep tutoring me, cause look." He holds up his essay, and I can see at the very a top, a big red B+.

"Yes!" I squeal. "Good job bro." We fist bump, and Jake snorts. 

"That was all you." He says to me.

"No way." I smile, reassuring Vince. "I only helped. You deserve that B+."

"I'm gonna tell Cole." He says proudly. "I've never gotten anything bigger than a C before."

"He's gonna flip." The twins say.

"He's gonna frame it." Alex says mouth full.

"Put it on his blog." Hayden snickers.

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