Think Again Alpha

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"Turn left mom! Left!" Mom swerves the van to the left almost crashing into a bypassing car. I clutch onto the door so I don't smash against the window.

"Sofia maybe you should tell me when to turn a little sooner next time! We could have avoided that whole scenario!" She rants as she composes herself after our near death situation.

"Eh," I shrug. "It's more fun like this, this way I get to see you discombobulated!" I giggle and she looks at me like I have gone insane.

"We need to take you to see a therapist. You my child, are messed up in the head. You do realize we could have died!" She looks at me with wide eyes, then focuses back onto the road.

"Fine I will stop playing games with you," I grunt. "our next turn is in a half a mile to the right and the house will be on our left." I finally see mom relax as she takes a deep breathe.

We take the right and soon mom turns the car to the left as we reach our destination. The van stops in front of the gates and mom talks to the voice monitor. "Hi, I'm Rachel Hail here with my daughter. Will should be expecting us." She shouts, clearly she is excited about this. Well, that makes one of us.

"We are opening the gates for you now ma'am. Please proceed through." The voice monitor speaks.

Turning to face me, mom says, "Here we go honey! This is your new home!" She smiles then turns to watch as the gates open. My eyes follow hers.

Oh. My. Lanta. This place is freaking huge! I'm not kidding when I say you could have at least six families live in this house, wait not house, mansion. The building is an off white color and is surrounded by greenery that looks freshly trimmed and groomed. This place seems to belong on the front cover of a housing magazine. So maybe this place won't be too bad? We pull completely through the front gates. Mom rolls down her window as we are appriached by a tall well built man, probably about 5 years older than Mom, so I'm assuming this is my step-dad. Rachel parks the van then flies out of her seat.

"Will, honey, I missed you so much!" Rachel squeals and flings herself at Will, this confirms my thoughs about him being my step-dad.

A deep laugh sounds from Will's chest as he hugs Rachel back, "I missed you too dear," he then turns to looks at me "and you must be the famous Sofia! Your mother was right when she said she had a beautiful daughter. Welcome to Maine Sofia, I really do hope you enjoy yourself here." He gives me a friendly smile.

Looking back at him I say, "Thank you Will, it's so nice of you to share your home with us," I look up at the mansion then back to Will. "it is really magnificent." I flash him a bright smile.

"Well isn't that sweet of you to say, here let me get you ladies to your rooms. Gregory could you please take Sofia's things to her room? I will handle Rachel's."

A man in black attire appears out of nowhere and proceeds to grab my luggage and says, "Of course sir." Then turns to me, "Right this way madam."

I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and hop out of the car. I reach back to grab my backpack and then follow the man. he takes me into the house. We pass through so many hallways that I find it nearly impossible to keep track of where we are. Eventually we come to a stop at a door and I'm practically out of breath, man this place is huge! I don't know how Gregory isn't even breaking a sweat. Damn he must be in really great shape...

He opens the door and steps to the side allowing me to walk in. There is no way that this is my room. It's too... perfect, and huge! This room is basically the size of two whole apartments! Is that even possible? How am I going to go about filling this place with furniture, I own a mattress and that's about it. Glancing around the room I see one lone piece of furniture lying in the far right corner of the room. I walk over to the small white table, and on top of it lies a note. Looking at the paper I read it out loud.

"Dear Sofia,

I'm sorry for the lack of furniture today, your mattress will be arriving in the room soon, as for the rest of the furniture, it got delayed in delivery and will be here by tomorrow. I'm sorry for the delay.

Love your step-dad,


Damn. He is honestly the nicest person I have met in my whole life. He really didn't have to buy me a bunch of new furniture. I need to remind myself to thank him later for doing this for me.

Deciding that I want to learn my way around this place that I now call home, I glance around looking for somewhere to adventure to. I spot two different doors that lie on one of the walls of my room. I open the first door. It leads to a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, a separate shower, and three sinks on a long marble counter. What I will ever need three sinks for is beyond me but the more the merrier, right?

Stepping out of the bathroom I open up the next door. I stand there in amazement, my jaw practically hits the floor. I've never seen a closet so big in my life! And it is filled with clothing! I checked the sizes and notice that they are all my size. How did he know? It must have been Rachel, because I also noticed most of the clothing is her style not mine, but that's fine, maybe taking on a new style will be needed since my whole life around has been shifted considering I just moved to Maine. The middle of no where....

Now, I have one week to settle in and then it's off to school. Starting my junior year in a new school with no friends is going to be rough, but a small feeling in the pit of my stomach tells me that fitting in will be easier than I think.

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