Chapter 26

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"Wow." Lexi says. Amazed by everything I have just told her.

"Yeah. So basically, Mrs. Renalds is going to talk to the Alpha and see if he will let Georgia stay here." I say with a shrug.

"Your future mother-in-law helping you out, huh?" She says and wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh and gently push her arm. "You're so weird Lexi."

She is right though. If things go as planned than she will be my future mother-in-law someday. Wow, that's a weird thought huh?

"Whatever man. Act like you aren't pleased with her being all-"

She is cut off by the door to the bathroom opening. I stand up from the ground and smile as Georgia comes out of the bathroom in Lexi's clothes. Lexi has more curves than Georgia, but all in all, they are around the same size.

"Georgia, this is Lexi." I say and motion toward Lexi who is sitting on the ground still.

"Oh! You're the famous Lexi. I heard a lot about you." Georgia says.

Well it appears she is back to her normal outgoing self. That's good to know.

Lexi puts on a friendly smile and stands, "All good things I hope." She glances at me and I give her a half smiles. She laughs then looks back at Georgia, "It's nice to meet you, any friend of Sophia's is a friend of mine."

She reaches her hand out and Georgia takes it firmly and shakes it.

"You guys want to get something to eat?" I ask.

"Yes please I am starved." Georgia says and grabs her stomach.

Lexi and I laugh. She smiles back at us and I lead them down to the kitchen. Lexi helps me get all the materials together in the large and unfamiliar kitchen in the pack house. Once we have everything, I start making some mac and cheese as they sit at the island and talk to one another.

"So you have been on the road your whole life?" Lexi asks.

"Practically. My mom died a long time ago. I was seven at the time. Even before that though, my mom and I never had a secure home. We were always on the run. So I guess you could say that my whole life I was on the road." Georgia says with a shrug.

"Have you ever been to Boston?"

"Yeah once! I have even been to New York. I've never been out of the Northeast though." She says.

"Tell me about the city life!" Lexi says excitedly. "I've always wanted to be a city girl."

"Well for one thing, there are a lot of homeless people and it doesn't smell that good in some areas. Other than that, it is nice though. All the buildings are huge and close together and everything is super expensive. But it is very classy in some areas. Other areas are scary. I tended to stray away from the places that had a lot of drug dealing and murders..."

"Well that's good... I don't think anyone would want to stay in those areas." Lexi says.

"Actually you would be surprised. I met a lot of nice people who live in those areas. That's where their families are and all the people they love. The area is safe for certain people and really dangerous for others. If you're rich and you flaunt that in the poor parts of the city, let's just say things won't end well for you."

"Oh geez."

The buzzer goes off and I turn off the stove. I move the pot over to the sink and dump the noodles into the colander. After draining all the water I pour the noodles back into the pot and add the milk, cheese, and butter. I stir it all together and separate it equally into three bowls.

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