Chapter 16

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I didn't get to see Jayden the rest of the party. Now, I'm regretting not giving him that good-bye kiss... The weekend went by quickly, Lexi now has me training with other werewolves and her dad, since I'm now part of the pack. I worked my butt off all weekend, I have never sweat so much in my life! My whole body is completely exhausted, I don't know how I'm going to make it through school today...

After pondering my thoughts for a while I get out of bed and slowly walk to my closet, I tiredly manage to pick out my clothes. I put on a maroon colored dress that is very tight and short. I grab a jacket, phone and backpack then head out to my car and drive to school. I don't even bother getting breakfast because I'm so tired that if I ate anything I would feel sick. When I arrive in the parking lot, I hope out of me car and bend down to grab my backpack. As I'm bending down a growl sounds in my head followed by Jayden's voice, 'Sofia, one of these days your going to kill me with the kind of things you wear.'

I smirk and say 'Perv, keep your eyes to yourself!' I hear laughter in my head as a response and I smile, I can never stop loving the sweet tone of his laugh.

After that I walk into the school and meet up with Lexi, "Hey Lexi!" I smile at her.

"Damn you look good today, any particular reason?" She eyeballs me curiously then adds, "I thought you said you were done trying to make Jayden jealous?" She asks me while looking me up and down.

"I am done, but after all the hard work this weekend I figured I deserved to look pretty." I grin at her. She laughs and pats me on the back.

"You did do well this weekend, I'm proud! I need to head to class now though, Mrs. Smith wants to see me before the rest of the class arrives so I will see you later!" She waves and leaves me at her locker.

"Bye Lexi!" I wave back and lean against her locker. Hmm, what to do... I decide to walk around the school considering I have plenty of time to do nothing.

After what seemed like only a few minutes of walking around,the warning bell rings and I realize that I need to get to class. Wow I must have been walking longer then I thought I was.

As I walk quickly to get to class, a hand reaches out from a classroom and drags me in. I squeal from shock but they cover my mouth. That's when I feel the sparks running through my body and I immediately relax. Jayden smirks down at me. "The teacher in this room doesn't get into school until third block." I raise an eyebrow at him.

I take his hand off my mouth and say, "Oh so this is how we are going to work from now on? Constantly skipping class to be together?" I laugh at him. He smiles from seeing my laughter.

He replies, "No this isn't how we are going to work from now on, but I do believe you owe me a kiss Ms. Hail." He leans down toward me. I roll my eyes then close them and wait for the joyful sensation I haven't felt since Friday, but it never comes. I open my eyes to see Jayden silently laughing at me. I frown then hit him on the chest.

"That's so not funny. If that was all you wanted then I'm going to leave now." I huff then head toward the door.

"Wait Sofia I was kidding, I had to get you back from Friday! We are even now." He says. I turn around and glare at him. He lets out a sigh and says, "Fine, I'm sorry..." I smirk at him victoriously.

I walk up to him, get on my tippy toes and whisper in his ear, "It's fine, just don't let it happen again." He growls and lifts me up and places me down on a desk, I land with a thud and he crushes his lips to mine.

Damn someone's eager today. I kiss him back with the same amount of force. This time, it's my turn to take control and explore his mouth. I lick his bottom lip to let him know I want entrance, I feel his smirk, then he opens his mouth and allows me to enter. Our tongues dance for a while and I enjoy the presence of Jayden around me. He takes his hands and slowly moves them down from my hips and over my thighs, he reaches the bottom hem of the dress and softly traces the skin that's there. Slowly his fingers inch up my thigh and under the material of my dress. I moan from the sensation of his skin against mine. Once again, he stops the make out session and I whimper.

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