Chapter 5

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***Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! I'm not sure if anyone likes how it is going so far or if you don't so please comment and tell me your views about my story ! Thanks!***


Wooooooo! Today's my eighteenth birthday. Sure I don't want everyone to know about it, but I'm so excited! There are so many things I can do now; like vote and go clubbing, it's such an exciting age!

Honestly I'm so happy today that I don't even care about the car situation yesterday, it's not even worth my time. Since I'm feeling good I decided to dress up in a cute hot pink dress that has a nice flow to it. I'm also wearing cute white sandals with bows on them. To complete my look, I curled my hair and it actually looks really nice today!

Skipping down the stairs I arrive in the kitchen and see a big box with a note on top of it. I grab the note and read, it says "Sorry we couldn't be there on the morning of your birthday, so to make up to you we got you this gift! We will see you when you get out of school! Love Mom and Will"

Aw, that's so sweet of them to get me something! I open the box and inside is... Another box? What? I continue and open that box to reveal another box! What is going on? I finally make it through 9 boxes when I reach a small promising looking box. Smiling to myself for having the patients to get this far, I crack open the last box to find a cute key necklace! It's so beautiful, I put it around my neck and walk over to the hallway mirror. Gazing at myself I smile, for some reason I feel prettier today than I have ever felt, and I must say, I enjoy the feeling. Okay Sophia, you only need to get through this day and it will be the weekend! Oh and I can't forget that dinner tonight... I hope that doesn't turn out to be a complete bust. But I trust Lexi, and I know she will make it fun.


School went by smoothly today, I managed to never look in Jayden's direction, I didn't want him to ruin my day. Lexi obviously had to make a huge scene on our way to second block by shouting "Happy birthday Sofie!" And well there were a ton of people around... Let's just say I got slightly embarrassed...

Anyway the school day is over and I need to head home and get ready for this dinner. As the day progressed I realized that this dinner will be a great way to meet new people, and hopefully one day call them my friends. Since Lexi is inviting the people I think they will all be friendly like her... Well I hope anyway.

I pull through the gates to the mansion and into the driveway to park my car. I hop out then walk into the house. I walk upstairs and open the door to my room.

"Hey honey." My mom says, wait mom? Okay why is she in my room?

"Hey mom what's up? Is something wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"No, no. I just wanted to talk to you about your father and I." Putting down my back pack I join my mom on the bed.

Smiling I say, "That sounds great, I would love to talk."

"Okay, honey all of this is going to sound completely crazy and foreign to you, but I want you to know that I would never lie to you." She looks me dead in the eyes and grabs my hands in her hands. "There are some things you just can't know yet but I will tell you what you need to know..." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "Well honey... I'm a werewolf."

I stare at her for a second then burst out laughing! Oh man I always knew my mom was a joker but this is a little too much. A werewolf? Yeah, act like those exist!

"Honey stop laughing I'm serious. If you really want me to show you I can." I stop laughing and look up to see her serious face. So she really wasn't kidding. Oh my god. I just stare at her dumbfounded.

"You've got to be kidding?" I ask again.

"I swear it." Her eyes are so serious yet I can't seem to wrap my head around it. A werewolf?

"I'm not sure I fully understand... So you shift on like full moons and stuff?"

She shakes her head, "Not that kind of werewolf. I'm more of a shapeshifter who only turn into a giant wolf whenever I want."

"Oh." I think for a moment. "So this really isn't you pulling a joke on me?" I ask cautiously.

"No. Trust me, I know just how ridiculous it sounds, but it's true."

"Alright, so does this mean that I'm a werewolf too?" I ask her quietly, still processing this information that doesn't seem real.

Shaking her head she says, "No honey your not a werewolf, your more of a half-breed. See your father was a human, but we were meant to be together so we ran off and had you. Later that year he died and I was left all alone to raise my precious daughter." She cups my right cheek and stares at me with adoration in her eyes.

"What do you mean you were 'meant to be together'?" That's crazy. You can't just know right away if you're meant for someone or not.

"Werewolves have one special thing that they treasure dearly, even more dearly than their family or their own lives. It's what we call a 'mate'. Whenever they are around you always notice them, their voices make you shiver in joy, and their touch gives you small tingly shocks that are the most amazing feeling. The most important thing though is that they make you feel complete. Your father was my mate, but he passed away, and the only reason I got through it was because of you Sophia. But that's not what I came to talk about, do any of these signs seem familiar to you?" She looks at me expectantly.

I think for a moment, then suddenly it hits me, Jayden. "Mom you don't think that I have a mate do you? Is it possible... I thought I was only a half-breed?"

"You are, but it may be possible. I've never heard of a werewolf-human offspring before so anything is a possibility. But if this boy is a human then he won't know you are mates. That is why I think you should pursue him. Trust me, it will be the best decision of your life." She smiles at me.

"So will I get to turn into a giant wolf too?" I ask smiling back at her, damn that would be pretty awesome, running around as a wolf, I can just imagine the feeling.

"That's the thing honey... Werewolves turn at a young age. Boys turn at the age of 12 while girls change at the age of 14... And well you are 18 so I don't believe it's going to happen for you dear, I'm sorry." Well that sucks, I was actually getting pretty excited about being a werewolf.

"It's fine mom, this is all so weird though. I never thought werewolves existed. Are there others around here?" I stand up from the bed and ask her.

"Yes there is actually a whole pack called the Hollow Moon Pack. I was made a part of their pack last week by the Alpha, who is the leader of the group. Oh and Will is a werewolf too, also part of this pack. He never found his mate, and when we met we fell in love, so it is like a second chance for both of us!" She says cheerfully, it's good to see that my mom is actually happy. "But honey who is this boy that you feel these things for?"

Looking down at my shoes to hide my blush I tell her, "His name is Jayden Renalds." After hearing no reply I look up too see mom horrified. Why is she horrified? "Mom what's wrong?"

"That's the Alpha's son."

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