Chapter 35

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Yawning, I stretch my arms and legs. My eyes slowly open to a dim light shinning in the room. My eyes are a tad foggy so i blink a few times to regain clear vision. The light gently outlines a room that's familiar but not mine. I moan lightly as I lean up on my elbows. Huh, how did I get in Jayden's bed? I turn my head to the other side and jump a bit. Jayden lies there asleep and lookiong as content as ever. His right arm hangs near where I was just lying. I notice the bracelet I put on him is still clamped to his wrist promptly.

It brings back the memories from before I passed out. I still can't believe Manus knew I was me the whole time. I'm assuming he saw how similar I was to Mom when he loved her and those feelings transfered over to me. It makes a disgusting shiver scatter through my body. Spreading across my limbs like a hoard of spiders.

Not only did he start to get feelings for me, but he actually wanted me back, not my Mom. Ashely was even planning on helping him. I think that's what freaks me out the most. How real the situation was. The fact that a person was willing to help the criminal we are trying to prosecute, just for her own sick reasonings. She even received an artifact from him. The necklace my mom was telling me about. How could I have not noticed the similarity in the pictre Mom drew compared to the one on Ashhley's neck? I should have known that was the case. I won't be so naive about a situation like this again.

Speaking of which, as soon as I put my bracelet on Jayden, he was able to gain control of his own mind again.  The gem on the bracelet, it must be the artifact my mom stole. That's why she told me to do it subtly. She didn't want anyone noticing so that they didnt assume it was an artifact as well. There is only one way to find out whether or not it's an artifact.

I reach out and grab the bracelet in my hand. I try to slip it off Jayden's wrist but to no avail. It doesn't budge even an inch. I smirk to my self. That damn mother of mine gave me the artifact. Well that explains how I survived the fall off of the roof. This artifact is the one that protects your body from outside damage.

A moan sounds from Jayden as his arm reaches out of my grip and slinks around my body. He pulls me down and into his chest. I giggle as he nuzzles into my hair.

"How come you always wake up before me?" He asks gently.

I shrug. "The early bird gets the worm I suppose."

He sighs, "but I want to see your sleeping face every once in a while too you know."

I giggle at that comment. "I'm glad you haven't seen my sleeping face, I guarantee you it isn't a cute one."

"Every face you make is a cute one." My cheeks glow red. Dammit, how does he always get me to blush. It's not fair how flustered he makes me.

"How did I get into your bed by the way?" I change subjects quickly to avoid anymore embarassing moments.

"Funny story, glad you asked actually. You see, a large helicopter flew in through the ceiling in my dad's office and sent squad guys down to get you. You should have seen how many men they sent. Uncanny. They relayed you up and into the helicopter then all the way over to my room then fixed all the ceilings in a matter of minutes after landing you safely in my bed. It was rather impressive if I do say so myself, you missed quite the spectacle."

I roll my eyes at the nonsense rolling off of his tongue. "Haha Mr. Comedian. I get it, it was a dumb question. You carried me here."

He smirks, "I don't know, I kind of like my story better. It has more pizzazz to it."

"You are something Mr. Renalds... you sure are something." I sigh and add, "but really what happened after I knocked out?"

His face falls from joking to serious. "You mean what happened to Ashley?"

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