Chapter 3

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The rest of the school day goes by uneventful. I discovered that I have Lexi in two of my classes, Vince in two of my classes, and Jayden in three of my classes.

I'm in the process of walking out to my car when a girl suddenly stops in front of me, I try to go around her but she keeps crossing my path so I stop and look up at her. Geez what's her deal?

The girl has long black hair that falls perfectly straight. The shirt she is wearing barley fits her, causing her stomach to expose way too much skin and don't even get me started on her boobs which are practically falling out of her shirt. Also she is wearing red high heels and a tiny jean skirt. Seriously, it doesn't get much sluttier than that.

"Will you please excuse me so I can get to my car." I say in sweet tone.

"See here's the thing, you're the new girl and it seems that you don't know your place in this school. And that's why I'm here." She smirks down at me, honestly if it weren't for her tall 6-inch slut heels she would be around my height, so she doesn't intimidate me one bit.

"I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure you're not the boss of this school, so I'm asking once again can you please move." I say more sternly this time.

She looks a little thrown back by my reaction but keeps talking anyway. "Don't ever talk to me like that again. Do you even know who I am new girl?" She walks towards me and I back up, my back hitting the lockers. She places one of her hands on the locker thats near my head and says, "I'm Ashley Finkle, daughter of Bet-"

"Ashley, what are you doing, get over here." Hearing his voice makes my whole body react and my heart begins to beat fast. I turn around and see Jayden standing right beside us, he is so close I could touch him if I reached out a little, maybe have him hold me in a tight embrace and run my hands through his hair and just enjoy his presence around me...

No. I need to stop doing that. Sofia snap out of it, this is so unlike you! My brain never goes off track like this around other guys. I need to get away from Jayden and get my shit together because I have no idea what he is doing to me right now, and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Ashley takes her hand off of the locker and prances over to Jayden, wrapping her arms around his waist then rests her head on his chest and says "I was only saying hello to the new girl that's all, have you guys met yet?" She asks innocently, looking up toward Jayden.

"Yeah we have a couple of classes together. Ashley let's get going, I don't have football practice today so lets just go out to eat or something."

"I like the or something option." She purrs at him. I shudder in disgust at the idea them together in that way, then I realize I am still watching them flirt, I flush red and quickly turn around a head toward my car.

Driving home I realize that maybe this strange feeling I have towards Jayden is what it is like to actually like someone, you know, more than a friend. I'm not really sure though since I have no experience with love... Maybe, just maybe I should talk to mom about this... No I can't, she would laugh at me.

When I get home I go straight to my room and close the door. I don't bother turning on the lights as I walk over then flop onto my bed.

Jayden. Why is he the only thing crossing into my mind ever since we locked eyes this morning. Not only would he never like me in the first place because he is basically a god and I am just an average girl, but he has a girlfriend. One thing is for sure though, Vince was right when he said Ashley was a complete bitch. I can not believe she would approach me like that! I don't even know what I did to get her to hate me so much.

Just then someone knocks on my door, "Who is it?" I mumble.

"It's mom, can I come in sweetie?" she asks nicely. Odd, mom usually would just barge into my room.

"Yeah sure come on in." I sit up on my bed and grab a pillow from behind me and hug it close to my stomach. Mom comes in and sits down next to me.

"So its your eighteenth birthday in two days, and I was wondering if there was anything special you would like as a gift." She smiles lightly at me waiting for my response. I think hard, but I can't seem to think of anything special that I want. The only thing popping into my head is Jayden. I let out a frustrated moan and bury my head in my pillow. "Honey, what's wrong? Is your birthday a touchy subject right now? I'm sorry I mentioned it..."

"No mom that's not it. Its a boy." That's right I told her, I'm caught up in the moment and I really need to talk to someone about these feelings that I have toward Jayden.

To my surprise she doesn't say anything and just sits there expectantly waiting for me to say more, so I continue, "Basically what happedned is I locked eyes with this extremely hot boy in my class and now I can't stop thinking about him. Whenever he is near me my heart reaces really fast, and I get really messed up thoughts about him... Like dirty thoughts... I don't know what this feeling is or what it means I just know that I feel complete when he's around, and I've never felt this strongly for someone before." I put my head back on my pillow in defeat.

"Honey, these feelings seem... real. And I think you should pursue them. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way as you Soph, you just need to show him you feel this way." she says in a soft tone. I look up from the pillow and look into her eyes.

"How would you know he feels the same way as me. It's not possible mom, and you would know that if you saw this kid." I tell her. This is the truth, there is no way Jayden could ever like me in that way.

"Honey maybe I should tell you a little bit more about my past, your father, and I on your eighteenth birthday. I think it will explain a lot to you..." She says looking down and then starts playing with her hands, something she usually does when she is nervous.

"I don't know what that has anything to do with what we are talking about, but I would actually really appreciate that, we never talk about dad... So thank you." She stands up from the bed a bends down to kiss my forehead.

"Get your homework done and get to sleep early tonight, I'm sure your going to need it." She slightly smiles at me then walks out of my room shutting the door.

Well that was just weird. I have no idea why my mom is acting like that, or why she isn't being her normal self. Something really strange is going to happen soon, I can just tell.

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