3.1: Ruby Eyes (1/2)

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*Adam's POV*

"Tommy, please let me in," I says as I knock on our bedroom door.

"No!" Tommy yells.

"Babe, please," I beg. He didn't respond, "I love you," The door opens to reveal Tommy with his red, puffy eyes.

"Talk," he says with anger in his tone.

"Okay," I say as I walk into the bedroom, I sit on the bed as Tommy stands in front of me, "Tommy, I'm not cheating on you. I would never think of doing that to you. You're too special to me," I explain.

"Then why are you so secretive with me?" I asks sitting next to me.

"B-ecuase, I-I" I close my eyes.

"Please, tell me Adam," He begs, "I can't help the fact that you might be with someone else. Please talk to me."

"Okay, but please let me explain and don't freak out, okay?" I say.

"Okay," Tommy answers.

I take in a deep breath and exhaled, "I'm a vampire," I answer.

"What?" Tommy asks. I close my eyes as my fangs grow out, I open my mouth for Tommy to see my long fangs, my eyes are a dark red color, "Oh my God," he gasps. I close my eyes and turn back to normal, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you would run away and never wanted to see me. So I stop feeding 5 months ago, so I would avoid of you noticing me feeding. We've only been dating for 3 months, Glitterbaby and to know that I'm the cause of you leaving you," I sigh, "I stop feeding for you. Because I care so much about you."

"But I love you, Adam," he says. Did he just say I love you?

"What did you say?" I ask looking at him.

"I-I love you, Adam," he smiles and leans to kiss me. I quickly kiss back as I tangle my fingers in his messy blonde hair. I pull away from his lips, me cupping his face, looking into his hazel eyes as it fills with love and passion, "Adam, drink from me."

"Tommy," I let go his cheeks, as I stare at him, "I'll t-turn you, please don't say that," I shake my head.

"Your haven't drank in 5 months, Adam! Please, I just want to be with you forever," he begs as I see his eyes brighten. Love has over taken them.

I sigh and look at Tommy, "Is this what you want Tommy? To be a monster and drink the red poison. Tommy, you don't want the life that I have. I can't turn you, not even the one I love," I close my eyes as tears run down from my eyes. I raise my hand and wipe them away.

"Adam, I can deal with it. Please, just turn me, you need to drink," he moves his head towards the right a little. I stare at the pale skin, his smell so intoxicating. I shake my head and stare at my lover.

"I. I can't," I answer.

"Adam, please," He moves closer to me until he's on my lap, looking into his hazel eyes, "At least tell me why I can't for you?"

"Tommy, it's hard being a vampire. You have to drink twice a day and you have get the blood from a blood bank that's designed for vampires. But one every two months you need to drink from a victim in order to get your energy. Do you want to do that? If I do turn you, I'll hunt for you. Do you still want to do this, Glitterbaby?" I push back his blonde fringe back behind his ear.

"Please," he whispers.

*Tommy's POV*

"Okay," Adam whispers and bit his lip, "It'll hurt at first then it'll go numb that's when the vemon enters in your blood system. Tommy, please are you sure you're ready for this?" He asks.

I want to be with Adam. Forever. I don't want to die and leave him alone by himself, I know he won't move on. I just want to be his forever and for him to be mine, "Yes, Adam," I answer.

"Okay, just grab onto me if you feel any pain," he instructs, I nod. He took in a deep breathe and let it out. His head moves to my exposed neck as he places soft kisses on my neck as I shake as he found my spot that drove me crazy. I then feel a sharp pain in my neck. I grab Adam's shoulder as I try to hold in a scream by biting my tongue of how painful it feels.

"Tommy, you got to let it out," he says. I did as he said and screamed. I scream out as still feel the pain that ran in my neck. I feel Adam tense up probably because he can't stand to see me in pain. My screams turned into whimpers. I feel tears on my cheek, but it wasn't me. It was Adam, God this must be so hard for him. The pain soon subsides after awhile as I feel numb, "Good, Tommy," he says. I feel the vemon flow in my veins as it is injected into my system. I let go of Adam shoulders as I wrap them around his waist pulling him closer. I let out a moan as the numbness turns into pleasure. I grip at Adam's hair as I gently tuck at his strands. I didn't want this bliss to end, my eyes begins to close. Adam takes his fangs out from my skin. I let out a deep moan as he pulls away. I feel my body limp as I feel the cold and soft sheets of my bed underneath me, "Sleep, Tommy, I'll see you in the morning," With that I feel asleep, soon to wake up to my new life.


I open my eyes as I see the ceiling of my room. I sat up, but stop to feel arms around me. I see my sleeping boyfriend as he sleeps soundly. My hand trace to my neck as I feel two wounds on my neck near my shoulder. I let out a hiss when I feel a small pain when I glide my fingers over it.

"You're awake?" I hear Adam's voice say. I turn to look at him to see him smiling.

"Yeah," I smile back and lay down, facing him.

"Ruby eyes," he smirks.

I roll my eyes at his joke, "Very funny, Adam," I smirk.

"New nickname," he flirts, "So you're okay with this?"

"Yeah," I smile, "Are you feeling better now you feed?"

"Yeah, I feel great," he breathes out rubbing his eyes.

"I'm hungry," I say.

"Thought you would be," He smirks and gets up, "Stay here," he says and walks away. I get up and walk to the wall mirror. I can see myself on the mirror. I see my eyes are a little brighter, my skin a little paler and hair turn into a bleach blonde. Wow, Adam never told me my appearance would change. But I didn't mind I like it, "Hey," I see Adam come in on the mirror.

"Hey," I smile.

"Here you go," he gave me a small bag with blood in it, "Just imagine yourself with fangs," he instructs. His fangs poke out as he digged them into the bag. I look at it thinking what it tastes like. I close my eyes and imagine I had fangs. I feel them grow and I bit into the bag. I drank and it tastes like...I don't know, but it tastes amazing! I drank more until the bag went completly dry, I took my fangs out and looked at it. I see Adam finished, "How does it tastes?" He asks.

"Amazing," I answer and threw it away. I turn around and hugged Adam, "Thank you, Adam," I smile.

"Just remember, I'll always be there for you, okay?" He asks.

"I will, My Immortal," I snicker.

"Okay, you got me," he smirks and kiss me.

This is my new life...

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