55.2: I Found Love Where It Wasn't Suppose To Be (2/5)

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Scarlett's POV

"Bye, Natalia!" I wave to my friend as I walk away from the group to the bus stop. Today, was the last day of school and it's now summer break.

I take the bus to and from school, I take off my jacket and loosen my green and black tie. We wear uniforms at school since I go to a music school. The bus arrive and I get on, dropping the approximate currency into the fare box. The male bus driver tip his hat towards me as I nod in return gesture. I walk down the aisle, trying to spot an empty seat. I excuse myself through people as they move aside for me to get by. Finding one near the window and sat down, pulling my backpack onto my lap. I breath out and look out the window, the scenery passing by.

Business men and women walking from work, children with their parents for errands, students walking home from school. I now live in a big city in Russia. The stopped near market, a couple people got off for their grocery shopping. It was a moment before the bus pulls away and hearing to downtown where I live. When my stop approach, I pull my backpack off my lap and stand up. Sliding my arms through the straps, I quickly grab a rope to steady myself on the moving transportation. I see the apartment in view as the bus made it's stop.

Making my way to the front and got off, a couple after me got off. I made my way to the apartment that I live with my family. Walking to the front, I took out my keys and pick out the small bronze key to check the mail box. I insert the key in and twist it to the right to open it, pulling the small door back. I reach in, finding envelopes from different music companies. I have a singing voice, which Adam has taught me to bring out, and the music industry is trying to get me a gig, but I really don't to record. I liked singing with Adam and the band...

"Scarlett!" Ashley runs up to me, crushing me into a hug.

"Woah, what is that about?" I ask.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"It wasn't that important, Ashes," I smirk.

"It's a huge deal, you can sing, Scarlett, sing!"

"You have a beautiful voice, Scarlett," Isaac mentions.

"The best I've heard," Terrence says.

"Thanks, guys," I blush.

"Oh, my baby girl," Keisha and Renia runs up to me, "Sweetie, that was wonderful singing, just like your father."

"Thank you, girls," I smile.

"I knew our little girl had a talent," Tommy smirks, wrapping his arm around my neck, his arm dangling from the other side.

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