43.1: No Boundaries (1/2)

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Tommy's POV

"Adam?" I ask, setting down my keys. I came back from the grocery store, "Babyboy?"

"Tommy?" I look up to see Adam walking down the stairs carefully.

"It's me, sweetie," I call and walk up the remaining stairs where he is. I place my hand on chest to stop him. His hand went up to hair, then down my cheek to my lips, his fingers ghosting over my lips. He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"I got worried," He softly spoke, "I thought you were kidnapped. I didn't find the note on the desk top, so I went down stairs and it was on the fridge."

"Did I get it right?" I ask, "I'm still learning."

"Yes," Adam smiles, "You did it perfectly," He place his hands on my cheeks, and pull me into a passionate kiss. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Where did that came from?" After I pulled back from that amazing kiss.

"It's the way I feel for you," He told me.

I smile and walk him down the stairs, "What do you want for dinner?"

"We can just order pizza, I don't want you to get tired because of me," He answers, feeling around for the chair.

"Adam, we really need to get you a cane or practice echo location. I don't want you to get hurt when I'm not here," I suggest, "And I'm not tired of you. I have errands to run."

"I don't want to seem I'm helpless, Tommy," He sat down.

"And you're not," I kneel down, taking his hands in mine, "I just want to help you, you need special care. I'm not saying your helpless, you just need a little help is all sweetie. And I like helping you, for once I feel we're even. Remember you always spoil me and do so much for me, now I can return it.

"I love you," Adam says.

"I love you too," I kiss his hands and get up, "I'll be right back, I have to order the pizza."

I ringed the home phone and ordered the pizza, half pepperoni and half meat. I hang up and walk back to my husband. I place my arms around his shoulders, laying my head on his shoulder, I breathe in his scent. Adam hands reach to my cheek, softly caressing it.

"Did you grow taller?" He asks.

"I did grow an inch," I answer.

"You feel taller and did you dye your hair?"

"Yes, how did you know?" I ask, astonished.

"Well," He turn his head, "Your arms around dangling from my shoulders, not wrapped around them. And your hair is shorter, feels different at my touch."

"You're getting better, Adam," I kiss his cheek.

"Thank you," He finds my hand and enclosed his fingers with mine. I lift our joined hand and gave a kiss on the back of his hand.

"What did you do today?" I ask.

"I talked with my mom, saying if I was okay. She's been a little sad with what happened," His smiles fades, "If I didn't go to that stupid party, and listened to you. I woul-"

"Shh," I shushed, kneeling next to him, "Adam, no one could have predicted that crash, okay. I should've gone with you, it was my fault. And don't blame yourself for the accident."

"Okay," He nods, "Need help with the groceries?" He asks.

"Sure," I smile and helped him up.

He takes my hand and I lead him to the counter where I placed the bags. I begin taking all the food out and resting the on the counter. I folded the bags up and put them away. I gave Adam the cans as he walks towards the can cabinet. His fingers gliding against the magnetic strips with the braille written on it. He finds the cabinet and places the can in the right spots. I smile at his adjustment to the house, I picked out for him. I gave Adam the breakfast contents as he felted the box of oatmeal and jar of coffee.

He smiles and walked the opposite direction. I put away the cold food as Adam puts the dry food. We finish and the doorbell rang. I walk to the door and opened it revealing the pizza man. I pay the man and got our dinner. I walk back to the kitchen to find Adam pouring a glass of water. He felt around the glass, the cold water filling up. He stopped at the right amount and place the pitcher down, raising the glass story his lips.

"If you wanted some water," I walk, placing the box on the dining table, "You could've asked."

"I didn't want to bother you, Glitterbaby," He mentions.

"It's fine, you can ask for help, okay," I kiss his cheek as he smiles and drinks his water.

Me and Adam had our dinner and it was time for bed. I started the water for Adam, adding the scented candles I gotten for him to relax. Arms found my waist as he place kisses on my neck. I giggle and turn around in his arms. I kiss his lips as he kisses me back. My arms dangling from his neck, Adam deepens the kiss as I turn my head. I pull away, staring at his features. Adam eyes aren't the gray blinding his eyes, they were a bright turquoise.

"Join me?" He asks.

"Okay," I smile and helped him get in the tub, his back against the tub wall. I undress and got in, the warm water swishing around as I entered. Adam quickly wraps his strong arms around me, kissing my neck at the sensitive spot, "Adam," I moan.

"Still remember your sweet spots," He whispers against my ear.

"Glad you do," I smirk. I yelp when a certain hand goes where my little friend is.

"And how sensitive my baby is," He smirks against my skin.

"Adam," I whisper, turning around in his lap.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be so excited with you," Adam quickly apologizes.

"It's okay," I move his wet hair out of his way, "I'm happy you still love for me. I still feel a bit nervous when I am this uncovered, especially with you. I feel so imperfect compared to you, so flawless."

"Same as you, darling," He smiles, but soon that smiles drops.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why are you still with me?" He asks.

"Because you're my husband, and I am going to be here for better or for worse like I vowed," I answer.

"I miss them," He whisper, "I miss those pretty brown eyes, you have. They always comfort me when I needed them. Now all I see is darkness, like before. I hate it, Tommy. I hate it so much," He cried.

"Shh, Adam. Don't cry, no don't cry my baby," I stroke his cheek, calming him, "Shh, there's nothing to cry about."

"I don't want you to miss out on anything. If someone else can give you everything."

"But you're everything I wanted," I breathe out, placing my forehead against his, "You were always what I wanted, what I needed."

"Really?" He quietly asks.

"Of course," I take his hand and place it where my heart is, "They say if you lie your heart rate beats faster."

Adam smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smile.

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