Chapter 1

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(I don't own Ben 10)

When making a fabulous, tale inspiring get-away that will stun and baffle everyone for years to come.....

.....don't do it my way. As in, don't fail.

My name is Tobias Verendez.

And I am an orphan. I have lived in Sanners Orphanage as long as I can remember.

You may be wondering how, if that's the case, then why haven't I been adopted by now?

I'd have to say it has something to do with me.

I'm not like the other kids. Why? I don't know. That has to be the reason why I'm still in the orphanage, right? Sister Greene just tells me that I'm special and the right family just hasn't showed up yet. What a load of crap. People want the babies, not the older kids.

I have to say, that is probably why I found out how, if you climbed onto the roof of the orphanage when all the doors of the orphanage are locked, you can jump safely into the lake, swim to shore, and make a break for it. I've never made it to the train tracks I can see in the distance, across the road, but determination is key, isn't it?

And that's when it happened.


As soon as I hit the water, I took off, swimming quickly towards shore. Behind me, the lights flicked on in the orphanage. She was faster tonight. Usually I reached the shore first.

I reached shore and made a mad sprint towards the road.

"Tobias!" Sister Greene screamed from behind me, "why do you have to do this EVERY night! Just once can you just be like the other kids and not jump off of the roof!? How do you keep getting up there!?"

I climb out the window and scale it to the roof. They started locking the door to the roof a long time ago, so I started climbing out and up the window. They haven't caught on yet.

I was just about to sprint across the road when something hit me in the back, as if Sister Greene had gotten desperate this time and had thrown a rock. I fell into the road. I reached around with my left hand to pick it up, but something latched onto my wrist.

"Hey!" I brought my hand back around, squinting to see it.

It looked kind of like a watch.

No freaking way.

It looked like that watch that hero on tv wears. What's his name? I've only seen glimpses, since the older kids hog the tv. I'm ten, but I'm really short which gives me a disadvantage, so I almost never get to watch it.

I was so busy looking at the watch that I didn't notice the reason why everything was steadily getting brighter.

Something grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me off the road and into the air. The car blaring past roared, as if the driver was holding down on their horn.

"You foolish child! Are you trying to kill yourself!? You nearly gave me a heart attack this time!"

"Sorry, Sister Greene. I thought I could make it this time," I said.

Sister Greene frowned before dragging me back to the orphanage, "let's get you a towel."

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