Chapter 7

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(I don't own Ben 10)


I frowned at the small device swirling around within my goopy body. It was continuously flashing its little red light.

I managed to dislodge it and then deactivated the omnitrix. I picked up the device, looking over it, before ditching it on a semi.

You just put those people in danger!

I got him off my trail. Z won't hurt them because it won't help him.

Ben huffed, accepting my theory, before leaning against a wall. His emerald eyes wandered around the parking lot we were now in. I still don't understand something.

"What?" I asked. I tried not to pay attention to him because he usually didn't even open his mouth when he talked to me, and it never fails to creep me out.

Why would he kill me... but try to capture you instead of killing you?

I thought over it. A dim memory of something I once read came to mind, "up to the age of twelve, children are really... what's the word... manipulatable."

That's not even a word.

"Shut up. Anyways, you can manipulate people, but if you condition them a certain way before the age of twelve, they're very susceptible to the ideals you're pushing onto them. It's harder to fix them, usually impossible. Or something like that, I think."

How do you even know this stuff? You're only ten.

"When I wasn't doing chores or trying to run, I read the books they have laying around and the ones in the library. The other kids hog -hogged- the tv and computer. Just because I'm ten doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm ten, not one."

Ben nodded, pondering it. I wish I could go through his memories and pick through his thoughts like he did to me. I could tell he was going through my memories to confirm what I had said.

We need to get to Bellwood. You'll be safe there.

He reached forward and tussled my hair. It was kind of weird, but he grinned when he managed to tussle my hair on the second try instead of having his hand go through my head. He seemed proud of his accomplishment.

We can't have any creeps pushing their manipulatable ideals onto your susceptible little brain, now can we?

"Cut that out," I scowled, running a hand through my hair in a futile attempt to fix it.

Don't think we'll be able to find a good motel. It will be too easy for him to find you.

I sighed, "let me guess, we're gonna keep walking, right?"

Ben ran a hand through his hair, thinking.

I swore at him under my breath and he whacked me in the head, don't swear.

"Sorry, guess we should start walking, huh?"

Who said anything about walking? Ben motioned his hands towards a nearby Uhaul, while you were loitering, I eavesdropped in. These guys will be passing by Bellwood.

Lucky break, I raised an eyebrow before activating the omnitrix. "Big Chill!"

I phrased through into the back of the Uhaul and settled down on a couch. I deactivated the omnitrix, turning back into myself.

I'll keep watch, Ben said, sitting on a dresser, his feet leaning on a couple boxes. He can't sleep, so he just watches over me or something. Had to be quite boring, if you ask me. Sometimes I'm worried I'll wake up and have marker drawn all over my face, but I never do, because you need your beauty sleep.

Shut up, jerk.


I paused, glancing over at him, do you watch Supernatural?

Super what now?

I shook my head before curling up on the couch. It was dark in the Uhaul, the only light coming from the light glow of the omnitrix.

I closed my eyes. After a while, I finally drifted off.

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