Chapter 4

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(I don't own Ben 10)

I weaved through the crowd, picking pockets as I go. I learned these sorts of skills in the orphanage, picking pockets and taking. Not my fault the older kids always had the good food. Or the good toys.

Ben didn't seem too happy with how I'm getting by. We'd been in Las Vegas for a couple days now, and he was eager to get going. I was content to stay right here.

I have around twenty bucks. Not much. But enough for dinner.

I ducked into a small diner and took a seat. I ordered a burger and some fries, though Ben made me order a smoothie. When my meal got to me, I dug in, practically inhaling the food. The smoothie is strawberry, which Ben isn't all that happy about, but he let it slide.

"The search is still on for the young boy, Tobias Verendez, who has been missing for a couple of days now. Tobias is an orphan who until recently resided in Sanners Orphanage. He was last seen in the orphanage. If you have any information, please call the number below."

I got the check, finished my meal, and left.

Maybe it was time to leave.

I weaved past trees that came at me like bullet trains before finally meeting the highway. I raced along it at breakneck speeds, sticking to the side of the highway to avoid having to dodge cars. Ahead of me, Ben eagerly sped forward, running like there was no tomorrow.

Well, XLR8 rolls, not runs, technically, but whatever.

Thanks to XLR8's almost ADHD like mind, I was able to notice the huge sign that was in my line of sight for about a second.

Welcome to Colorado, indeed.

Hurry up! You're so slow! XLR8 can go faster than that!

I gritted my teeth before putting my all into running. I managed to catch up to him. My legs started to hurt by the time we reached the next state. "Your legs are longer than mine! I'm not as big as you!"

I started to slow considerably halfway through. The only reason I had made it this far was because of the anxious waves Ben was giving off. I swerved off the highway and down the road into a town, skidding to a stop to catch my breath

What are you doing!? We have to get to Bellwood!

"Where's the fire?" I hissed, leaning against a wall, "I didn't even know this alien could get tired."

Ben crossed his arms. His visor raised up so that I could see the look he was giving me. I lifted my visor so he could see that I was sticking my tongue out at him.

"Look, celebrity, this ain't my kind of style."

There was a horrible screeching sound and a bunch of honking.

Fan-freaking-tastic. The paparazzi are here. People are going to recognize the sliens, which will cause the cameras to come out, which will cause... huh, what was it? Oh yeah! More delay! We have to get to Bellwood!

I raised my head as bright flashes of light buffeted my eyes as people took photo after photo on their phones. I shut my visor, relieved when it eased the assault a little.

I wasn't used to so much attention, and I backed up. My back hit the wall and I glanced back at the people taking pictures. What if they made me go back to the orphanage? Besides the pushy and bossy Ben, I was enjoying my adventure.

Fly, you fool. Ben scowled. He wasn't feeling very great today, I'd guess, for he'd spent the majority of today being kind of a jerk.

I tapped the omnitrix, becoming Big Chill. Big Chill was one of my favorites.

I spread my wings to take off, hesitating to yell, "Big Chill!" before taking to the air. I felt rejuvenated now, and reached a suitable height, gliding on the currents.


I screamed, extremely startled. Something rammed into me and I seemed to forget how to use my wings and began to plummet. I crashed into the sidewalk, crying out as pain flared in my left shoulder.

Laughter filled the air and I raised my head to watch a humanoid figure clad in a metallic suit land on the ground. A long tail waved behind it, like a crocodile tail.

It held out it's hand. A purple energy conjured around it before a similar energy surrounded me.

I yelped as I was raised into the air and dragged closer to the creature. People gathered at the sidelines, but nobody moved to help me.

"Oh, did you dislocate your shoulder?" the creature cooed. It's mask was reflective, and my own face stared back at me.

"Let me help you with that."

The humanoid slammed me into the ground.

He's using mana! This guy... he seems familiar...

Gritting my teeth, I slashed with my claw-like hands at the energy around me as it tightened around my throat. He slammed me into the ground again, hard enough to daze me.

He dispelled the mana before grabbing my arm and popping my shoulder back into place before letting me drop.

I didn't move, watching the stars float around my vision. My wings were limp, and I didn't dare move a muscle, not even to blink. I stared off into the horizon so that my eyes would come off as unfocused.

"Pitiful," he growled. He crouched down and poked me in my formerly dislocated shoulder.

It hurt, but I didn't respond.

He tapped the omnitrix experimentally, and in a flash of green light I changed again.

Raph. Ben announced in my head.

"It must have worked," my attacker grinned, "Ben Tennyson's soul is trapped in the omnitrix. A source of experience. You're a mere child. I don't even need to kill you and trap your soul. I can just manipulate you and make you my obedient little pet."

I was angry, really angry. I had been planning on playing dead until the right chance. Guess this is the rightest of any.

I thrust myself upward, headbutting the humanoid right in his fancy helmet. I grabbed him and flipped him, pinning him to the ground. His tail whipped at my legs. It was sharp, and left lines of red on my legs.

I growled angrily, stomping on his tail.

"Let me tell you something, Crocodile Dundee!" I growled, baring my teeth, "you want to know the difference!? I WILL KILL YOU!"

He laughed, "even better."

The large claws protruding from my fists grew larger, and I stabbed them into his chest.

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