Chapter 5

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(I don't own Ben 10)

My claws barely left a scratch.

His hand shot up and closed around my throat, almost completely cutting off my air.

"This suit was specially designed for the sole purpose of fighting Ben Tennyson. We both know what happened to him, so what chance do you believe you have?"

The smaller claws on my fingers merely scrabbled against his armor, unable t grab traction on the smooth metal.

"And the name isn't Crocodile Dundee, cat," he said, "it's Z."

"What, A through Y was taken?"

Good one.

"A little help, jerk?" I growled out. Before he could possibly answer, I pulled my legs up and kicked Z in the chest. It didn't do anything.

My movements grew sluggish before I finally went limp and closed my eyes. My arms hung at my side, limp. There were gasps of shock from the people who had gathered on the sidelines.

There was a harsh sting in my shoulder, as if he'd punched a hole in the end of it.

The pain gave me another boost of adrenaline and I growled again, chomping down on his gloved hand. I should have at least been able to bite his finger off, but the armor protected his hand.

His grip had loosened, probably to keep me from completely suffocating, and so I was able to kick away from his grasp. I reached up and pulled a tranquilizer out of my arm.

"Will you just pass out already so I can drag you to a freaking cell!?" Z complained, his tail whipping from side to side angrily.

Maybe if you try a different tactic! Humungosaur should be able to smash him!

I watched Z take a couple steps towards me. He pulled out another dart.

"You think I'm stupid?" I growled, pounding my fist into my palm. My body felt heavy, but I shifted from foot to foot, "cause I'm not. Next time, I'm going to kill you, Z."

"There's not going to be another time-"

I turned towards the direction Ben's been pounding into my head and raced away from Z on all fours.

"Get back here you coward! Face me like a man!"

"I'm not a man, I'm a kid, you idiot!" I roared back, pausing to give him a dirty look and a crude hand gesture Sister Greene would have smacked me for. I tapped the omnitrix, going XLR8, and raced away.

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