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Demi woke up in her bed which only seemed like five minutes later but she had been asleep for at least two hours. She couldn't get the scenes of the bank out of her mind, how her mother had a gun pointed to her head but a man jumped in front of her to save them both. She watched as the man fell to the floor killed instantly, she shouldn't have to see it at aged six. She heard footsteps down the landing looking at the doorway when she heard someone open the door.

"Hey princess, how are you doing?" Eddie questioned as he entered the room sitting on the edge of the bed kissing her hair gently.

"I'm scared." Demi admitted looking down at the bed sheets.

"I know you must be princess but it's all over now and you don't have to be scared, we'll help you get through this I promise." Eddie assured her.

"Thanks daddy." Demi looked up at the man she saw as her father smiling as he kissed her nose gently. He liked to see her smile.

"There's that gorgeous smile!" Eddie cooed kissing her nose again. "Now are you hungry or will I have to eat your share of lasagne?" Demi giggled.

"No I want it!" She exclaimed getting up from the bed running downstairs already smelling dinner that her mom and mad the three of them. Eddie smiled following the girl he saw as his daughter, he just wanted her happy and that was it.

Josh sighed as he woke up hearing his brother sobbing from his bed. He got up from his own bed making his way across the room where he told his twin brother to budge over which he did. He laid down in the bed bringing the covers over their heads switching on the torch he had brought with him, they both squinted at the harsh light but Josh kept it on.

"I miss him." Joe mumbled.

"We all do Joe, we just need to learn how to cope without him." Josh encouraged letting his own tears fall as he remembered what a good man his father was. They couldn't have asked for a better father, they wouldn't be able to replace him no matter how much they tried.

"I-I don't want mom to struggle without him." Joe admitted.

"It's going to be hard for her to raise five boys especially when Frankie is only two but we need to be there for her as well as Kevin. Nick is only young and it will be so hard for mom to take care of all five of us." Josh had always been the stronger one of the twin boys, Joe was more of a follower and more sensitive. Joe had always been a daddy's boy but he was still close to his mother and enjoyed spending time with her.

"I know," Joe mumbled wiping the last of his tears. "I don't want to forget him."

"We'll never forget him Joe, don't worry about that." Josh watched as his twin brother slowly fell back to sleep. He brought switched the torch off bringing the covers from over their heads before laying his head back down on the pillow. He slowly fell back to sleep knowing the talk with his brother had made him feel a little better.

Denise got up early that morning sighing when she didn't see her husband laid next to her, it would be hard for her to get used to him not being around but she had to continue her day like any other with her five boys needing her. She climbed out of bed taking a quick shower before checking on all her boys, she lifted Frankie up from his toddler bed when she saw he was awake and babbling to himself.

"Momma." He mumbled Denise kissing his head.

"Morning Frankie, shall we see how your twin brothers are doing?" Denise cooed wondering into the next room not helping but smile when she saw Josh and Joe laid in the same bed both sleeping peacefully.


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