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Denise knocked on the door to Joe and Josh's room before letting herself in but she couldn't help but smile when she saw the two identical boys together looking over at her ready to let them know what she was here for but they could guess when they saw the tray in her hands. She had brought them both snacks and drinks. She set the tray down on the table kissing both their heads.

"Thank you boys, for trying," She answered both of them nodding their heads watching as she left. Joe set the guitar down taking a plate from his brother.

"Are you dating Demi then?" Joe inquired Josh shaking her head.

"She's hot but not my type besides she's never even had a boyfriend before. I don't think she wants one." Josh replied as he sat on the bed eating his slice of pie his mother had cut up for them both. He couldn't remember the last time he spent so much time with his brother and they had only been playing guitar for twenty minutes or so.

"She helped me up earlier." Joe admitted as he picked at the pie a little bit.

"Joe I'm so sorry about that..." Josh stated but Joe shook his head. "But that doesn't really sound like Demi at all."

"There's a side to Demi you don't know," Joe spoke. "She's trying to be my friend but you know me." He couldn't help but sigh.

"Mom is right, you do need friends and not just your twin brother, Demi would be a good friend."

"I've never really spoke to a girl before." Joe confessed to his brother.

"Why do you like her?" Joe shook his head quickly Josh laughing slightly. "To be her friend you don't need to understand women as much, just ask if she wants to go out at the weekend if you want to try and be her friend."

"I might do." Joe stated setting the plate on the side not very hungry, Josh watched his brother wheel back over to his desk picking his pen up again.

"I'm serious Joe cause if you don't make it happen she will. Demi is a determined girl." Josh spoke finishing his pie off grabbing Joe's plate setting the half eaten pie on his desk. Joe sighed as he heard his brother leave the room the door closing behind him.

"Demi can you take this plate up to your dad?!" Dianna called Demi getting up from the couch where she was watching telly. She made her way into the kitchen taking the tray from her mom which had a plate of lasagne with a side salad a glass of water next to it. "Thanks, I'll put yours in your place." Demi smiled as she wondered upstairs opening the door to her parent's bedroom.

"Hey dad how are you feeling?" Demi inquired as she laid the tray down on his lap Eddie closing the book he was reading setting it on the bedside table.

"Okay." He answered picking the fork up.

"Call if you want anything, we're having dinner downstairs." She leaned over kissing his cheek gently before leaving the room making sure the door was left open in case her father needing something. She was soon sat down next to her mother picking at her own dinner.

"How was school?" Demi shrugged her shoulders. "Are you okay Demi."

"Yeah I'm fine." Demi breathed keeping her eye on the plate and not her mother. She didn't have much of an appetite at the moment.

"You know I don't believe you?" Demi sighed nodding her head.

"Dad can barely get out the bed, I don't want to lose him." Demi choked slightly Dianna leaning over rubbing her back gently.

"As much as we both don't want it there isn't much that we can do. We just have to spend as much time with him as we can." Dianna encouraged Demi nodding her head.

"I'm not hungry." Demi mumbled pushing her plate away. Dianna sighed this time as she watched her daughter leave the room heading upstairs once again.


For You I'll Be Superhuman | Jemi Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora