Sixty Six

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Demi couldn't help but laugh as Joe lifted her up spinning her around but not for long before she was set back down on the ground brought into a tight hug which she didn't hesitate to hug him back just as tight. They had both started crying out of happiness that they were finally having a baby of their own, they loved Kaia but they knew this was completely different. For them to welcome a baby of their own into the world. They couldn't wait.

"I love you." Joe whispered as he pull away from her but they both remained close.

"I love you too Joe," Demi answered wiping away his tears before she leaned up kissing him gently. "I'm so happy!" Joe laughed kissing her forehead gently.

"Are we telling people?" Joe inquired taking her hand leading her into the bedroom where they both took a seat on the bed.

"I kinda want to wait a little bit but I don't know if I can hide this from anyone." Demi grinned Joe laughing nodding his head in agreement.

"I don't think it will hurt to tell everyone, if something happens it happens but I think it's our turn for this to happen and to be happy." Demi smiled kissing him gently.

"See I told you when we first got together I didn't mind that we couldn't have our own babies, we have a beautiful daughter and now our own kids." Joe laughed.

"I didn't know then how much I would love you and want to give you a baby of your own." Joe stated looking down at her.

"Aren't you a cutie." Demi joked pinching his cheeks Joe rolling his eyes pushing her away standing up lifting her up again. Demi giggled as she was laid in her husband's arms as they made their way back downstairs.

"I made an appointment at the hospital for when I'm about eight weeks along, there's no point going now cause they wouldn't be able to see anything." Demi stated Joe nodding his head to show he understood. They were both excited already.

"It feels good knowing we're going to be parents at the beginning of next year again, I couldn't imagine going through adoption again," Joe admitted smiling as Kaia ran in and over to him, he lifted her up onto his lap.

"Mommy having baby?" Kaia questioned.

"Yes Mommy is having a baby but remember it's going to take a whole eight months until your little broth or sister arrives." Joe stated.

"That long time!" She exclaimed Demi nodding her head.

"But baby needs that time so he or she can grow big and strong before we can meet him or her." They could see the confusion on the two year olds face.

"At the moment your brother or sister is about this big," Demi explained showing her the size just using her fingers. "But when they arrive they'll be this big."

"Oh." She mumbled Joe laughing kissing the top of her head.

"Mommy will get a picture of the baby when she goes to see the doctor each time, you'll be able to see then why it takes so long." Joe stated.

"Brother or sister?" She inquired.

"Mommy has to go to two doctors appointments before we can find out, as soon as we know we'll let you know princess." Joe answered.

"Too long!" She exclaimed making her parents laugh, they knew she wasn't at the best age to be patient about it but at the moment they didn't know if they were patient enough. They just knew as soon as the time was right they were going to try and it worked on the first try. They could see themselves having more than just this one baby in the future.

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