Sixty Eight

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They couldn't help but smile as everyone clapped everyone making their way over to them sharing hugs around. Joe and Demi couldn't be more happy, they knew nobody had a reason not to be supportive because of their age and how long they have been married and how long they have wanted a baby of their own.

"Congratulations!" Dianna exclaimed as she hugged her daughter.

"Thanks," Demi breathed pulling away from her mother smiling as she laid her hands on her unformed bump. "I'm not far along but it was planned so I took a test yesterday."

"As long as your both happy we all are." Dianna promised Demi nodding her head.

"We are happy, we've waited so long." Demi answered smiling as she felt Joe take her hand again Dianna wondering away so they could have their little moment.

"I bet it's a boy." Joe grinned kissing her lips gently Demi smiling as she laid her hands on his chest. It still felt a little weird for her to be looking up at him.

"A little boy would be nice," Demi admitted. "But I wouldn't mind a girl either, it's been great fun raising Kaia." She giggled as Joe tickled her sides.

"Don't lie, you want one or the other." Joe accused Demi laughing pushing him away.

"Fine I would like a boy then we have one of each," Demi answered squealing as Joe lifted her up in his arms but struggled when she realised where he was heading. "Joe no." Demi warned but Joe just smirked continuing to walk towards the pool.

"Do it daddy!" Kaia exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Hey your meant to be on my side," Demi accused Kaia giggling. "Joseph no!" Demi screamed as he threw her in the pool everyone laughing as he did.

"I think you should run!" Josh exclaimed as they watched Demi come up heading towards the steps to get out. Kaia laughed at her parents as Demi chased Joe around the backyard.

"Honey I think you should sit down, it's not good for the baby." Joe called back Demi just shook her head keeping her eye on her.

"No Jonas your mine." Demi warned.

"You're a Jonas too!" Joe answered turning around catching her as she lunged herself at him laughing as he felt her wet clothes against his dry ones.

"It's a good job your cute." Demi giggled.

"Otherwise what?" Joe questioned kissing her gently.

"A divorce would be in order." Demi answered a smirk on her face this time but screamed as she was thrown in the pool again.

"What? Your already wet?" Joe gave her a cute smile.

"Don't give me that luck, I'm not letting you off this time!" Demi climbed out again but entered the house to get changed into something dry. Joe knew he'd get it but when he didn't expect it.

Weeks flew by and soon Demi was eight weeks along and ready for her first scan. They were nervous for what was going to come, they had a baby already but they hadn't been through this just the two of them. Joe helped Demi up on the bed after she had her weight taken and her blood pressure tested. They got started straight away Demi telling Lucie every question she asked.

"Is this your first pregnancy?" Demi nodded her head.

"We adopted a little girl but this is the first baby we'll be having together." Demi answered holding tight onto her hand the screen turned so they couldn't see. Lucie was just checking over everything before they could have a look.

"Well how do you think about bringing home two babies in seven months?" She questioned turning to them with a small smile on her face.

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