Forty Five

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Demi smiled as she saw a little boy run onto the pitch his father not far behind. Josh often came over with Theo to spend time with his uncle, he saw plenty of his other uncles. They all soon entered the house Theo sat on Joe's knee but climbed off when he saw Demi throwing himself at her making Demi giggle.

"Hello handsome." She greeted kissing his cheek.

"Aunt Demi, daddy said puppy?" Theo inquired Demi nodding her head gently.

"He's with Granny at the moment but aunt Demi will go get him soon." Demi promised as they all flooded back into the living room. Josh was introduced to Jesse and Bethany as they were seated once again, Joe and Jesse were still breathing a little heavy from playing basket ball.

"Uncle Joey look!" Theo exclaimed as he showed him his new toy.

"Wow, has daddy been spoiling you again?" Joe questioned Theo giggling.

"Me had to get shot here and me brave boy so daddy got me car." He explained pointing to his arm Joe lifting him sitting him back down on his knee.

"Did it hurt?" Joe questioned again Theo nodding his head.

"Kiss better? Mommy not here to kiss better," He grumbled but giggled as Joe begun to kiss all over his arm. "No uncle Joey!"

"It was nice seeing you again, we'll see you on Wednesday." Demi stated as she showed Jesse and Bethany out the house, they had spend the afternoon together getting to know one another a little more. Joe didn't know they had picked them, Demi wanted to tell him herself since he wasn't there when Bethany told Demi. Josh came over with Theo at the right time, Jesse and Bethany got to see Joe with him and it gave them more hope that he would be able to be a father to their baby even with his disability. Demi would tell him tonight.

"Get puppy now?" Theo asked getting impatient making her giggle as she lifted him up again.

"Wave bye to Jesse and Bethany." She encouraged Theo waving as Demi as Claire pulled away after picking them up. Demi shut the door putting Theo back on the ground.

"Puppy!" Theo demanded Demi taking his hand leading him into the living room.

"Aunt Demi will get Woody in a minute, sit with daddy and uncle Joey for a little bit." She encouraged again lifting him up sitting him in-between them.

"Theo Jonas are you being impatient again?" Josh accused Theo giggling burying his head in Joe's arm away from his father. When Theo was younger he was often confused on who his father was because Joe and Josh looked so similar he slowly learnt as time went on.

"Mom said she's bringing Woody over so sit down." Joe demanded pulling Demi down onto him making her laugh.

"Joseph I could have hurt you." She accused trying to get up but Joe locked his arms around her middle stopping her.

I can't feel half my body, you won't hurt me." He laughed as Theo giggled at them moving away not wanting to be too close where he could get hurt.

"Whatever," She grumbled getting out his grip sitting down where Theo was but let him wrap his arm around her leaning her head on his shoulder smiling as he kissed her forehead gently. "You smell." she laughed pushing him away.

"Rude." He accused making them all laugh.

"Are you doing anything for your wedding anniversary?" Josh inquired Demi shrugging her shoulders gently making him laugh again.

"Getting a divorce." She answered grinning up at Joe.

"You'd never divorce me, I'm too sexy for that." Joe replied pecking her lips gently.

"That must mean I'm sexy too!" Josh exclaimed making Theo giggle as he shook his head quickly.

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