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It was about two months later when Richard and Denise had become a little more serious that Richard was starting to look after the boys while Denise was at home, it was only two hours after they had all come home from school but that was enough time for the five boys to see the side of Richard that Denise didn't know. He was abusive, controlling, they were all scared of him now no matter what he was like when their mother was here. At the moment Josh and Joe were in their bedroom hiding away from Richard, Kevin was downstairs with him trying to protect his younger brothers but more Frankie who shouldn't have to see the violence at his age.

"We should tell mom about him." Joe suggested but Josh shook his head.

"He said he'd hurt mom if we did, we'll just have to put up with it." Josh spoke through a sigh, he didn't like to see bruises all over his twin brother's arms.

"Or we could try and split them up?" Joe suggested looking towards his identical brother when he saw a smile on his face. "What?"

"Since when were you the bad brother?" Joe laughed slightly shrugged his shoulders as he did. He just didn't like what was going on in his family.

"Mom deserves better after dad died and not someone who beats her sons, she'd be furious if she found out." Joe stated.

"I know, we just need to find a way for her to come home and see it for herself. Maybe if you call her now and tell her that Frankie fell over or something she'd come home? I don't know." Josh thought biting his lip gently.

"I think it could work, I'll try it." Joe begun picking up the phone that Denise had left with them to phone her if they ever needed anything. He dialled the number holding the phone against his ear letting it ring until he heard his mom's voice on the other line.

"What's wrong?" Denise spoke panicky. They never phoned her, she was worried that something was wrong with one of her sons.

"Frankie fell over and he wants you." Joe stated.

"Is he okay?" Denise questioned.

"I don't know, his arm looks pretty bad," Joe answered giving his brother a thumbs up when Denise stated that she was on her way home. He hung the phone up setting it down on the bedside table. Now we just need to get him to start being abusive hopefully for the last time."

"I don't think that will be hard." Josh muttered as he heard footsteps on the stairs, Richard soon entered the room a smirk playing on his lips.

"Josh out here now." He demanded Josh gulping before he got off the bed heading out of the door. Joe closed his eyes but shot up from the bed when he heard his twin brother scream. Richard had smacked him with his belt. He stood in the door way seeing his twin brother laid face down on the floor his shirt up already able to see a red mark forming. Richard had the belt up in the air ready to smack him again but Joe's voice stopped him.

"No! Hit me!" Joe demanded Richard turning around a smirk on his face.

"Get your shirt off if you want it that much then." Joe gulped slipping his shirt over his head making his way over to Josh who looked up at him.

"Run!" Josh exclaimed both boys getting up running to the top of the stairs before Richard reached them grabbing their wrists.

"You're the worst kids out of you all!" He exclaimed smirking as he looked down the stairs, he soon saw Kevin, Nick and Frankie stood in the door way scared to see their brothers at the top of the stairs with Richard. "Which twin do you want to go down the stairs?" They stayed quiet but Richard pushed Josh towards the stairs making him whimper, he was about to be pushed but Joe spoke him.

"No!" Joe screamed getting out of his grip pushing him out of the way, he lost his balance falling down the stairs as Josh landed on the landing. Joe reached the bottom of the stairs his head hitting the floor as he did. A smirk played on Richard's lips but disappeared.

When Denise entered the house her eyes landing on her son at the bottom of the stairs.


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