High school musical snape?

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Severus Snape: just watched High School Musical 2! EPIC. TROY IS MY ROLE MODEL. TIME TO GO PLAY GOLF!

Harry Potter: wow Snape. Now the whole world knows what you do in your dormitory.

Severus Snape: 10 points from griffindor! Harry, because of that comment, you must be my golf caddy for today.

*4 hours later*

Harry potter has a new status: Just caddy for Snape. The whole time he was putting, he sang a song from high school musical.

Ron Weasley: lmfao, how'd it go?

Harry potter: it was all like- I'm not gonna stop.

Not gonna stop till I get my shot.

That's who I am.

That is my plan,

We'll end up on top again,

Bet on it, bet on it yeah!

Bet on it bet on it bet on it,

Bet on.


Voldemort: lmfaoooooo!

Lucius Malfoy: hahahahahahahahahahaaahahah

All the death eaters: rotfl!

Severus Snape: *curses everyone out in all wizard curse words.*


Snape: me?

Bellatrix: me?

Wormtail: me?

Lucius Malfoy: me?

Hermionie Granger: me?

Ron Weasley: HERMIONIE!

Hermionie Granger: well I needed some rebel in my life Ronald!


A bit out of wack, but give me credit.

Message ideas!

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