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Harry Potter has a new status: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE THAT'S THE MOTTO, YOLO!

Hermionie Granger: really Harry. YOLO?

Edward Cullen: I go by YOLO. Oh wait, I don't die.. I'm immortal. YOLI!

Harry Potter: Yoli?

Edward Cullen: You Only Live Infinity.

Hermionie granger: that makes no sense.

Edward Cullen: yes it does. I live to infinity.

Harry Potter: oh shut up.

Edward Cullen: .....


Edward Cullen has a new relationship status: IM SINGLE!

Bella Cullen: but I thought we were..?

Edward Cullen: no Bella. Just no.

Hermionie granger: hahahaahahah XD


Hermionie Granger has posted in Edward Cullen's Wall:

Heyyyy Edward ;) wanna go out?

Edward Cullen: Sure!

Bella Swan: ):

Ron Weasley: Hermionie, why do you want to date a sparkly vampire?

Hermionie Granger: YOLO!


Sorry for the lame chat. I went to Georgia with two of my friends to some thunder in Georgia thing, and I kept yelling YOLO while walking around. And some guys were flirting with me and one of my friends. Awko taco..... Anywho..... YOLO!

(Ps. We saw this guy who looked like my friend Trent, and one of my friends asked if that was his name, and he thought she said tramp! Lol. It was fun. Got yelled at by a cop, but..... YOLO!!!!!)

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