Chapter: Fourteen

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Sanuel's P.O.V

So, they have escaped?

Aaron nods his head, not trying to make eye contact with me. He must feel some kind of way. After all of his attempts of dissuading Pierce about leaving with Josias. I smirk as I rise and walk closer to him.

"It was about time. I was growing rather impatient."

My fingers lift his chin as he continues to divert his angry eyes away from me.

"What is it for you to be so upset about, hm? My darling, little pet." As bad as he treated him, I know Aaron cared very much for his little brother. It was pretty sad to watch him behave so rashly towards him, only to convince me otherwise. I suck on my teeth before walking pass him.

"Is it about your brother?"

His body tenses making my smile grow wider. "Do not be so surprised. It is not as if there are thousands of your kind with changing eye colors such as yours. You also resemble each other rather closely. It would not take much to put two-and-two together."

"Sanuel, leave him out of this."

"Well, I cannot. Since he had not done anything with Josias and he is mated to that Alpha. He will be apart of this. I suppose he always has been."

He lets out a low growl causing my eyebrow to raise.

"Do not get snippy with me. Settle down."

"I have always done what you have asked of me, never asking for anything in return. But this time, just this once, leave my brother out of this. Do not do anything to harm him...I beg of you."

"Ah, and there goes your pride, you were so keen on, just like your little brother, for your little brother. I'm a little jealous." I tap his nose. "Forgive me, my little pet, but I cannot. The Northern Alpha will be dealt with in the manner that I see fit. Whether indirectly or not, he will get hurt."

His hands ball into fists, but I go on and kiss his cheek. "Do not be angry with me."

"Why can you not just let this go? Make peace with them. No one no longer wants this," he tries to plead to me, but I shake my head.

"I cannot."

"Why not?"

"You very well know why, Aaron."

"Sanuel, nothing good lies at the end of vengeance." I look at him as his eyes go from blue to green causing mine to fall away from his. We spent many years together, and despite what he is, I have grown to care for him. Sometimes, I wonder if the feelings I have for him is more than what I should harbor.

He grabs my wrist as he rises, towering a good four inches over me.

There are exceptions to every rule. I have said that aplenty, yet I am not so sure it applies so much to this...this feeling.

"Then what you had asked of me from months pass, I will not give it no more thought."

"Aaron, do not be so rash."

"I must be. He is family. He is my brother, my blood, and I will not let a thing happen to him, even if it means defying you."

I suck on my bottom lip, before narrowing my eyes back up at him. "Aaron, you make me become rather irate these days. Why is that? Is it that free mouth of yours, or maybe your voice. Is it your face, perhaps?"

"I will agree to it, however, if you promise me you will stop this. Stop all of this right now, and you can have anything you desire from me."

"I do not want you," I hiss. For years, I know my body had developed these kinds of cravings for this man. I had not come to acknowledge until these later days. How can that be possible when I am nothing but a devote follower of the God of Light?

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