3. As Long As You Love Me

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Song: As Long As You Love Me

Album: Believe

Rating: [PG-13]

Special appearances by: [none]

Details: Justin is not famous.


[ Justin's POV: ]

I stepped back, watching the large gates crack open just a little bit. The sun was shining right at my face, causing me to squint as I watched Cheryl’s father walk out so that he faced me. There was a cigarette in his hand and he pressed his lips around it, only to pull away seconds after and blow smoke out of his mouth.

I stared at him in silence, not really knowing what to say. He told me he wanted to speak with me and, honestly, I knew it wasn’t going to be a good one. He obviously hates my guts and doesn’t approve of me being with his daughter.

I was everything a father didn’t want in his little girl’s boyfriend. I was a player, a bad boy, I was in a gang, I own a gun, I’ve done drugs, I’d go get drunk, and… well, you get the idea.

But ever since Cheryl came into my life, I learned something. She changed me— for the better. I learned what it’s like to love someone so much that all you want is to protect them and be with them forever.

I may be that bad boy in the neighborhood… But I’m not a bad guy! At least not since I met Cheryl…

“Listen kid, my daughter is, umm.. Everything,” Raul, Cheryl’s father, began speaking to me. I looked up at him, gazing straight into his eyes. “She needs me as much as I need her... That means someday I have to let her go. And when I do, she needs to be with a man, not a boy, which you are.”

I looked away from him, my eyes staring at the huge house in front of us. Cheryl was probably in there somewhere, but I bet she’s not allowed to come outside. I think she might even be grounded… because of being with me.

I inhaled quickly, breathing in the smell of Raul’s cigarette, and breathed out slowly.

“I love her,” I finally replied. 

He took off the shades he was wearing. “Yeah, sure you do. I know what type of guy you are,” he spoke sternly. “Once upon a time I used to be the same thing. You know what that means?… That means one day you’ll leave her, for somebody else and break her heart.” He placed his cigarette back in his mouth for a few seconds before breathing out another puff of smoke into the innocent air. “That can’t happen.”

“You don’t know us,” I blurted out, frustrated at how stubborn he was being. Who is he to control who Cheryl falls in love with?

“I don’t want to. I don’t want to know you,” he pointed at me. “You either get in your car, leave and don’t come back. ‘Cause if you do, it’s not going to be good for you.”

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