6. Right Here

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Song: Right Here (feat. Drake)

Album: Believe

Rating: [PG-13]

Special appearances by: Chaz Somers, Ryan Butler, Pattie Mallette.

Details: Justin is not famous.


[ Justin's POV: ]

My feet began to move faster and faster, rushing down the sidewalk. I had to get home. I had to check up on her and make sure she's okay.

I know, these last few months of our lives had been painful. It's been rough, I've got to admit. I can see why she's struggling so much to see happiness again. But it can't go on like this.

Several months ago, Annie had told me she was pregnant. I knew exactly how that happened, since I could never forget the intimate moment she and I shared weeks before that. I took it pretty well and wrapped my arms around her and told her how excited I was.

"I hope it's a girl," she said, the day we were at the doctor's to find out the baby's sex. And it turns out that a girl it was indeed. It made Annie so happy, and she began planning all sorts of things for the baby in which I can still remember the smiles she gave me every time we talked about it.

I was taking a stroll by myself at the park one day at one point during Annie's pregnancy. The intention was to think of all the things that would change now that I would be a father. Honestly, I was overjoyed about the baby. I couldn't wait to meet her, and hold her. I was sat at a random bench when my phone rang, and I remember trying to yank it off my pocket for a good couple of seconds before I could actually answer.

"Justin!!" a frantic voice screamed into my ear. By instinct, I pulled the device away from my ear and then brought it a little closer to hear better.

"Chaz? What happened?" I asked my best friend.

"Annie. She's in the hospital."

Another thing I remember clearly, was running like an idiot to my car. I drove like a maniac, honking violently at other cars to get to the hospital. I was out of breath when I got there, but I still ran up the stairs, knowing that the elevators would take forever.

An awful few moments later, horrendous words had come out of the doctor's mouth. "You lost the baby."

A miscarriage. Annie and I had a miscarriage. No, we wouldn't get to meet our baby girl anymore. The days of planning and how happy we were doing so, those are all long gone. I remember collapsing into Chaz’s arms, breaking into tears on his shoulder. I remember the grip I held on him, and how tight he held me back, understanding that this was difficult for me. I remember all the tears I shed and how long each one of them lasted. I still clearly remember seeing Annie’s face when I found out.

But I couldn't quite remember much after that. Just the sound of Annie's constant cries. I guess you could say she went into a depression after that. But it wasn't too extreme or anything, she claimed to be just pretty bummed out about the baby.

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