Chapter 3 |Under editing|

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First period had started in what seemed like hours ago, and as much as you hated your Spanish class you just had to suffer through it, on the bright side you had this class with Alice at least. Oh and you had history next, which was a god send among these type of late and boring days.

"Psst... Psst Y/N." Alice whispered softly and passed you a small note before sitting up, no one of her age was in this class, and that ment none of her friends were in the classes as well.

'Ugh this class is so boring.' You smiled at the note before writing lightly on the back of the note, not like you had to pay attention.

'Exactly! Our teacher is just complaining constantly about her love life, but in Spanish! How do you expect us to even learn anything!?' Alice glanced at you and took the note carefully, nodding softly in agreement and putting the note in the desk. All the teacher did the first day was speak English, but all the days afterwards she spoke Spanish. How can you expect someone to learn that way?!

You two both decided to stop talking for the times being, considering Alice had to actually pay attention while you just tried to get some sleep. The teacher continued talking like the class was listening while you fell into a light and dull sleep, like one of those maps were you don't dream at all and it's just a peaceful state of rest.

Fnaf x reader |Major edits occurring|Where stories live. Discover now