Chapter 2- Damn your eyes

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Beca POV :

"Holy hell can today get any worse, my ex had to show up with her new girlfriend here huh? What was her name? Stacie or something, she ain't even hot. But she surely is dumb dating someone like that fuckboy Jesse." I complained to my co worker Amy. It was ironic because I dated Jesse which means I'm calling myself dumb but I didn't care. Seeing him again infuriated me and honestly I could've ripped his head off if there was no one in the cafe.

"Cool down fire nips, it's not worth it getting mad at him, what's the point anyway, getting mad ain't gonna solve shit." Amy blurted out. "You gotta forget about him fire nips, he came clearly to rub it in your face. And you being mad is exactly what he wanted, don't give him that pleasure."

I knew Amy was right, and so I took her advice. The sun was going down and there was only about 20 minutes left until I could go home. There were no customers left in the cafe so I started clearing up, getting ready to end the day.. Until a ginger walked in. She was wearing a cropped top with torn jeans, black dr martens boots and her hair was tied up into a messy bun. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was holding a camera and talking to it, "Woah guys I just entered a really cool vintage-style cafe, seems li.." She stopped suddenly. I was eyeing her curiously. She turned off her camera and placed it in her drawstring bag. "I'm sorry, you're closed right? Oh my haha I'm such a fool, I just walked in without t.." "No no no, haha we are closing soon but not yet, you can still order" I cut her off. She smiled at me and I awkwardly smiled back.

She walked towards the counter and I realized her amazing blue eyes. They were breathtaking, it was no doubt one of the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. "Damn your eyes." I muttered still staring into the two bright blue pupils. "Pardon?" She said, snapping me back to reality. "Oh nothing, would you like to order now?" I replied almost immediately, cursing myself for being a retard. "Erm do you have any recommendations?" She asked innocently, looking at the menu, " I can't seem to choose."
"Well, I personally like the hazelnut latte best, but the most popular drink is the chocolate banana ice blended coffee." I smiled. " I'll have the hazelnut latte!" She said optimistically like a 5 year old getting ice cream. The way her eyes lit up when saying that was astonishing, those bright blue eyes never seem to focus anywhere else but on me, it really felt like hours have passed when she stares at me like that but it's really only been 2 minutes. "Well can I pay for your drink?" I blurted out. 'OH MY ALLYSUS WHAT AM I DOING, SHIT OKAY OKAY calm down, it's just buying her coffee, nothing weird.'

"Well, I should be the one buying you a drink! Coming in when you're already packing up and all, okay, 2 hazelnut lattes then, consider it my apology haha." The ginger girl smiled, her eyes still locked on mine, not even leaving to look at the menu for a second. I broke our staring contest with a little giggle and went to make our orders while Amy came out from the back. "Chloe!!!!Beale!!!! I'm such a huge fan, I've been subscribed to you for almost two years! Oh my god I love you so much words can't describe how happy I am!!!!!" Amy exclaimed, her arms flying everywhere. I came out with the 2 drinks and saw the two talking, realizing that the ginger girls name is Chloe, and she's a YouTuber, apparently very well known. 'Ahhh, so she was vlogging just now with the camera and all.' I told myself wondering if she was from New York, what her YouTube account is, if she has any social media for me to follow, until Amy disturbed my train of thoughts. "Beca, I know you're very surprised as well, but don't just stand there, serve those drinks!" She said laughing and winking at me before walking towards me and whispering in my ear,

"She's single, anyone can turn gay for her which means, erm, you." Amy giggled. I just death-stared her while walking towards Chloe until she disappeared behind the back kitchen door.

"Thank you, mph this is really good." Chloe told me. "No I should thank you for this drink. " I smiled at her. Just sitting across her, I can fully appreciate her facial features. I studied her from her eyebrows all the way down to her lips. Her eyebrows were on point, followed by her gorgeous blue eyes, her little pointy nose and finally her full pink lips. She was absolutely beautiful.

"So uh hahah," I laughed awkwardly, "how's your.. erm.. your YouTube career..g.. going?" I stuttered, which has never happened before. Apparently her blue eyes had that power on me. 'Wtf am I doing omg' "Well, I'm doing good, thank you! Just hit my 2M subscriber goal so I came to New York to kind of celebrate and enjoy myself." She updated me, taking a sip from her latte. 'How can I not know about her YouTube channel, she has 2M subscribers, damn.'

Chloe pulled out her camera and started vlogging, "Guysssss! I'm having some really dope latte right now, and it's recommended by this cutie here!" She pointed the camera to me. I waved awkwardly and said "Hello people of the Internet" couldn't I have thought of something better? Ah whatever BUT WAIT HOLD ON did she just call me a cutie, she thinks I'm a cutie?! Has she looked in the mirror lately, the only cutie in here is her. "So guys, check out this cafe, they have paintings on the walls, and you guys know how much I like paintings!" She said with enthusiasm pointing the camera around the cafe.

Finally, after around 20 mins, we were done chatting and done with out lattes, Amy already left not long ago. I washed up and cleaned our mugs, and headed out. "So I guess this is goodbye." I said sadly, not even trying to hide the fact that I really enjoyed her company. "I really had fun with you, I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to Miami. I'm gonna miss you." She frowned. My heart fluttered. I knew I would too.


2 weeks later
I am hooked on all her videos, I swear I have rewatched them all at least 4 times. If this goes on, who knows what might happen to me in the future. I took an off day from work today because I had a really bad tummy ache. But now I'm just feeling hella bored. 'Maybe I should call Amy.' I dialed her number and she picked up almost instantly

"Sup B, get well soon, what do you need? I'm working my shift right now."

"Thanks, sorry for disturbing, I wanted to ask if you wanna come to my place after your work for a movie and just chill."

"Yea sure, don't see why not. See you at 10pm later, Bye."

"Bye, have fun at work."

I hung up and laid down on my couch. Can a straight girl become gay so fast? Is Chloe even gay? I mean it's possible, she is being shipped with every girl that appears in her videos! Hmph, let's just wait till Amy gets here and see what she says.

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