Game day

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It was eight in the morning at the game was less than twelve hours away but first everyone had to go see the cheerleading competition. Haley was least excited about this all she could think about was falling. Brooke was just worried about winning she wanted to win so badly because no one thinks that they can.

"Alright ladies we are on lets go out there and kick some butt." Brooke yelled

"1...2...3... Ravens!" They chanted

Once they were in front of the crowd and on the stage they all assumed their positions Haley was in the front in the left side while Brooke was clearly in center of the front row. Peyton was in the second row on the right side. The music began to play and everyone started to move.

"One two three come on and get your kicks because you look so fine and I really want to make you mine." The speaker blared

Haley was smiling because she was happy she hadn't fallen yet. Her eyes came in contact with Nathan's and he was smiling bigger than she was. He was so proud of her for doing so well not to mention how beautiful she looked up there.

The song ended and hey immediately dropped her stuff and ran over to Nathan who was in the corner of the room waiting for her. She jumped in his arms and he spun her around.

"You did so good!" He exclaimed

"Awe thank you." She said barring her head in his chest

"Haley can I talk to you?" Lucas asked coming up behind them

Nathan let go of Haley and she walked over to Lucas slowly but Nathan didn't move he just stood there.

"Alone."Lucas added

Haley turned around and Nathan looked furious one second Haley mouthed to him. He walked sways and Haley focused her attention to Lucas who had guilt written all over his face.

"I want to apologize for all the things that I said. You trust him and that's all that matters. If you want to be with him you can." Lucas said

"Thanks Lucas but I'm not a little kid anymore and I don't need your permission." Haley added crossing her arms at him

"I know that it's just hard seeing you with him I don't want him to break your heart." Lucas added putting his hand on her shoulder

She smiled softly and looked up at him

"Friends?" He asked

"Friends." She said letting him hug her completely

"I'll see you later good luck at your game." Haley said rushing back to Nathan

Haley was by Nathan just in time the awards were about to be announced. He grabbed her hand and they both stood there silently hoping that the Ravens won.

"Alright now... Ladies and gentleman your champion is ... The Tree Hill Ravens!" He yelled pointing at Brooke and most of the squad.

Haley kissed Nathan before dashing over to get team so they could accept the prize. Brooke practically ripped the guys arm off when she grabbed the trophy. She was so excited and thrilled to win.

"Thank you!" Brooke said accepting it and holding it to herself

"I couldn't do it without you guys." Brooke said pointing at all of the cheerleaders on the team.

Once the squad was done accepting their prize they all grabbed their things than walked out of the auditorium.

"Haley!" Nathan yelled from the end of the hallway

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